Debate Hunting animals for fur

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Saiyan ChiChi, Mar 30, 2004.

  1. Saiyan ChiChi

    Saiyan ChiChi New Member

    Feb 10, 2004
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    What do you think of killing animals just to make fur coats?

    Im against it. I can understand when Native Americans needed fur to stay warm along time ago but now there is no need for fur to make clothes with. The animals need their fur more than humans do.
  2. Dante

    Dante New Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    Kind of a tough decision.

    On one hand, I can't particularly say that I LIKE killing certain animals (for certain reasons which I don't think I need to explain to the likes of YOU people ;P)

    Though thinking about it again (after Iw ent and typed all that)... I'm against using them just to parade around like "oh lookit me i r teh win cuz i were furr, yo". I can see killing animals for food or if we actually made more, necessary use of the rest of the corpse... but this is just showmanship, so... yeah.
  3. Billy277

    Billy277 New Member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    Well, this is kind of a non-issue. Hardly anyone still wears furs, and doing so is very much looked down on in society. But yeah, like most people I'm against it.
  4. Jaken

    Jaken Coin Locker Baby

    May 13, 2003
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    As for fur. . .it discusts me that people would want a dead animal carcuss on there bodies. . . But yes as billy said its a thing of the past.

    Where i live, it seems to be the new trend to have a leather coat. Whats your take on leather coats? Do you think its a similer situation?
  5. Saiyan ChiChi

    Saiyan ChiChi New Member

    Feb 10, 2004
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    I dont know what my take on leather coats would be. Leather comes from cows right? Cows are bred to be eaten but I dont know about coats and stuff.
  6. Dilandau

    Dilandau Highly Disturbed

    Feb 11, 2004
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    I dislike any form of hunting or killing of animals which is done purely for human vanity. That includes fur farms, fur trapping, trophy hunting/fishing, and killing of predators that pose a danger to domestic animals which are infringing on their natural territory. But on this particular subject...

    If you're going to kill an animal, respect it. Use the meat as well as the skin or the head. Killing an animal for just ONE part is selfish and, honestly, rather twisted. I don't mind people who sport-hunt common animals (deer, rabbits) with the intent of eating the meat. But the practice of farming animals like, say, foxes or minks, for no other purpose than to skin them, is just cruel.

    Now, when it comes to cows as leather-producers, that's fine. The cows are going to be killed for meat anyway, so it only makes sense to use the hide as well.
  7. Saiyan ChiChi

    Saiyan ChiChi New Member

    Feb 10, 2004
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    I dont like trophy hunting either. Another thing I dont like is how rhinos and elephants are hunted just for the ivory tusks while the rest is left to rot.

    I guess leather coats are ok too since the whole cow is used.
  8. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    Hunting animals just for their fur is a monstoruois and barbaric act. It's a waste of life just to take, as Dilandu said, one part of the animal for the purpose of fashion. If this is fashion then there is a far higher moral price to pay then the money on the price tag.
  9. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    If killing animals just for fur I am against it, I mean, some people kill animals who about to finish from this world [forgot the name.. --;]. I mean people can live without fur coats, right?
  10. Dilandau

    Dilandau Highly Disturbed

    Feb 11, 2004
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    Hm... for the sake of comparison, though, how do you all feel about hunting animals for a single part if that part is traditionally considered medicinal in a particular culture? (I'm talking tribal medicine, not something like harvesting snake venom for use in making scientifically-proven antidotes. What I'm suggesting is things like tiger claws or dried lizards.)

    Personally, I don't like that either. While I have a great deal of respect for alternate methods of healing involving tribal ritual and animal cures - whether or not they're scientifically valid, they ARE valuable as part of a culture's richness - it bothers me that many times, the animals killed are rare species. It's a little disturbing to see the way that many people in third-world countries, who have little access to modern conveniences and education, don't understand or refuse to acknowledge the harm they're doing to these species. To them, it's an issue of, "I'm sick, I believe in tribal medicine, I need this animal part so the witch doctor/priest(ess)/shaman/healer can make me better" - and the idea that the animals used in these remedies may be in real danger of extinction doesn't even occur to them. It's not quite the same as hunting for vanity - but the fact remains that it's not a sound practice for conservation.
  11. Vicious

    Vicious Revolution...Revolucion!

    Apr 23, 2003
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    To me it all depends on the situation, like for a matter a fact its wrong, they have no right to take the animals life away just for fur. Would you like to be killed just for your fingers?
  12. Jaken

    Jaken Coin Locker Baby

    May 13, 2003
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    I dont think it works like that though. Except in the case of minks. . . . most leather and others fur products, go to factories where they produce the whole animal, for meat and other things. The only animal that had ever really posed a problem in that sort of thing was the Elephants, with their tusks. Otherwise it really isnt a problem that much anymore. Though. . .mass producing animals to slaughter them is really sick. . .no matter what happens. . . . the more i see discussions like this the more i think of becoming a vegitarian.
  13. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Why, Jaken? If you eat meat, at least you're using that animals death for something, but if you go veg you're actually eating more food which is responsible for the slaughter of millions of field animals every year, and their deaths don't even go towards something. Unless you go and actually grow and harvest your own crops by hand with fine care and control over every step of the process, you are always going to be responsible, at least partly, for the death of an animal.
  14. Jaken

    Jaken Coin Locker Baby

    May 13, 2003
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    well i guess that may be true. . .But i am not sure about becomming one anytime soon, so it may not be even be relevant.
    But even if i did, i may self would not be making much of an impact on the slaughter of animals if i did be come a vegitarian. After all i am only one person, my decisions on what i eat will not majorly effect or even have any effect on the sluaghter of animals.
    (i know that sounds kinda erm. . .whats the word.. . .>.< ignorant? i dont know. . . .um a Sectionalist point of veiw, maybe? i dont mean for it too sound like that. i cant think of the word~-_-)
    I do see what your saying though. There will always be a consiquince for every action and there is nothing anyone can do. And even if I or anyone else were to become a Vegitarian, we would still somehow be effecting the death of an animal. I wont argue.
  15. Paranoid Trooper

    Paranoid Trooper Reanimator

    Apr 23, 2004
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    I'm totally against it. Everything thats got anything to do with hurting animals sucks.
  16. Dante

    Dante New Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    Ahhh... so I assume that means that you think eating meat sucks? When Native Americans lived here (before we mercilessly butchered them) and they had to hunt for food, that sucked? Oh, and even better, when animals, in the wild, hunt other animals for food so they can survive, that sucks?

    Just wondering..

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