Discussion in 'Blogs' started by Yossarian, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    So lately I’ve been on a rampage with my “Hidden Personality” and it’s finally been put back into check. I’ve wrote about Rashelle in my journal before. But never like this.

    She’s the only person that can actually break me down without even trying.. you know those really sweet and innocent people that just don’t know that they are obnoxiously cordial. That’s Rashelle.

    Rashelle has an unbelievable amount of patience And has this totally unbiased attitude about everything and everyone.

    But every once in a while I notice she comes to me to rant about things that all of our friends have dumped on her shoulders, or when her aggressive friends (like Danielle, Brad or Myself) aren’t around how people try to take advantage of her.

    She’s one of those people that if she has something she’ll give it up without hesitation. Thinking that “well I don’t really need it, so I don’t mind.”

    But the truth is she does mind she might not notice that she minds but she does.


    I understand how it’s not in her nature to be forceful about things but I wish she would learn how to use the word “no” every once in a while.

    So getting to the real point of this entry.

    I almost laughed when she asked me out. I mean…little, shy Rashelle asking me out.

    I mean yeah I’m shy to. But I’m like a outgoing kind of shy. Shy with new people or people I don’t know and i take a long while to warm up, and outgoing with people I already know.

    But there was a catch to that question. I had to learn how to control my temper better when it came to other people.

    Urg! WTF? People annoy me and I get pissed, I totally can’t change that.

    You know what she did? She yelled at me.

    And it wasn’t even like I could yell back at her. I respect her to much to even consider raising my voice or attempting to act toward her like I do other people.

    So you know what happened then right.

    I told her I’d control my temper and shove my “hidden personality” back in the recesses of my unconscious mind.

    Like a good girl.

    She so 0////$ //4h @$$!
  2. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    I'm not sure really what you

    I'm not sure really what you meant but if I seemed to have missunderstood something, please tell me.

    Rashelle sounds like someone I know that is the same way. They're cute one day and then they try to walk all over you the next. Its stupid and it just causes problems. I bet she's trying to control you somehow. She knows you respect her and she's trying to take advantage of that. Controling your temper is good but your personality is one thing I wouldn't shove down the torlit. Be yourself, control your temper and if she still has a problem with it, you could do what ever you like next because if somehow tries to stop you from having a personality, stop being around them.
  3. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    You really did misunderstand...

    People walk all over Reshelle and she won't say anything...shes not aggresive at all. Rashelle would never take advantage of anyone. I have a problem with the fact that 'Shellz won't defend herself most of the time.

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