Saber Marionette I got my grubby little paws on vol 1 of the manga...

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by InuYasha, Jun 25, 2003.

  1. InuYasha

    InuYasha New Member

    Nov 16, 2001
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    It was for sale at the Waldenbooks in my local shrine to consumerism (i.e. the mall),and for only $9.99 + sales tax. Unfortunately,I had to walk past Ann Coulter's latest piece of fiction (the one where she tries to defend Sen. Joe McCarthy's actions by calling liberals every nasty name in the book,and even some that aren't) to get it.
  2. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
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    Feb 16, 2001
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    Cool to know that it's on the market. Another thing to buy for me. Heh.
  3. Sesshi's Angel

    Sesshi's Angel New Member

    Jun 23, 2003
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    I got volume 2 about a week ago for only $8.95! I couldn't beleive my luck, which is very thin these days.....-_-;;
  4. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
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    Feb 16, 2001
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    Just got Volume 1 yesterday in the mail. Finally broke down and ordered the thing. Read it right before bedding down for the night.

    And, hoo-boy is it Ecchi.

    Evidence enough to that fact: A running gag is that Otaru is going to run out of blood because of all the nosebleeding.

    That won't stop me from scooping up the next 4 Tokyopop volumes, though. :)
  5. c0ke

    c0ke New Member

    May 15, 2002
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    Read the 2nd volume, and boy I hate this manga. It's like downsizing what happened in the Anime. usually animes downsizes the Manga. Also too much ecchiness


    Now isn't there like another version or is that just me?
  6. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
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    Feb 16, 2001
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    'fraid this is the only version. There was a single parody version, but beyond that, nothing.

    I think what we're really craving at the end of the Anime is a translation of the original novels, but that ain't likely gonna happen.

    I picked up volume 2 and will continue with the remaining 3, but it is quite Ecchi. Not to mention the translaters don't seem to keep the characterization too well. About every line Bloodberry says is some horrible sex pun...

    The preview blurb seems to point that the series is going off in the Radio Drama's version with a little affection developing between Otaru and the Saber Dolls. While it follows the anime fairly close in condensed format, I'm seeing it throw out enough factors to shift how the story may turn out.

    Really nothing to be too excited about in the manga thus far (unless you're perverted...there's quite some fanservice in there), but it may just pull itself into good graces again in the volumes to come...
  7. Stardust Phox

    Stardust Phox Such a Taurean I am!

    Mar 11, 2002
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    The novels WOULD be nice to have...

    Well, I have been discouraged from buying the SMJ manga.

    But I do think that, maybe, in later volumes it could get better. Might. Possibly. Perhaps. Maybe.

    Here's to hoping it does. ^_~
  8. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
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    Feb 16, 2001
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    Got my hands on volume 3 two days ago - it's been out since late last month.

    And's discouraging. Volume three is mainly what you get when you take the "love comedy" episode of J Again, draw out the story elements of it, and strip all six marionettes down nude. :sad:

    *sigh* Somewhat expected with the curve the other two volumes had, but I had faint hope it would redeem itself. Akahori even labels himself as an uncouth guy feeling like a dirty old man looking at Kotoyoshi's drawings melons under a brief bio page at the end of the volume.

    That aside, there were some interesting event setups, and since volume 3 is the midpoint, and SM usually drops comedy for plot in the later half, the manga may yet redeem itself.

    Strangely enough, it appears Tiger and Otaru make up the closest couple by the end of the volume...a niche usually filled by Lime; Hanagata actually *wins* a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors against Lime, Cherry, and Bloodberry ("it must be true love!"); and Luchs beats Cherry in a cooking competition(!).

    Still, the manga falls far short of what the anime offers. If you're looking for a deep story, great character development, and lots of emotion, you're better off with the anime. If you're looking for a few cheap laughs, nudity, or can overlook those two for a few little nifty story tangents, then perhaps the manga is worth a look.

    Until then, I await Volume 4. Baka Out.
  9. kapitanbar

    kapitanbar Member

    Jul 2, 2002
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    Bakamattsu, wait until chapter 4 of the manga. If you see some relation between Tiger and Otaru, it's developement lays on that chapter (or takoubon).
    The story ends up abruptly on takoubon #5 of the manga because the original publisher got bankrupt, so it's like an synthesis from another story which was never published. It ends in a quite different way from the end of any of the series or the OVA.
    But I think that chapter #3 is hilarious instead, ecchi, yes, but not turns to be hentai. The saber dolls at otaru's house creates a nice and little hel.

    As a mere trivia thing the double page in book #3 (that one were only Cherry speaks) was censored in Korea (where the marionettes wear some kind of swimsuits of underwear).

    The story begins to turn more serious on takoubon #4 and it's filled with the same essence of the first and second series in the final (and quite large) takoubon #5. Compared to the TV series or the novels it's a less important work, made only to satisfy the fan's needings for more Saber Marionette.


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  10. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
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    Feb 16, 2001
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    Volume 4 certainly picked up a bit from the 3rd, and yes, the biggest part of it is the developed relationship between Otaru and Tiger, and how it makes an impact on things as her memory of Faust is regained.

    While still mediochrity compared to the anime, volume 4 is certainly one of the better of the bunch, feeling more in tune with the series as a whole. With the final volume out, I shall have to scoop it up to finish off this last sidestory, which does manage to present some interesting variations from the familiar story I am used to.

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