Psychology inner battle

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by headstrong, Aug 4, 2006.

  1. headstrong

    headstrong New Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    ok i knowyou guys are going to say that its another drama thing, but its not. ive been away for along time, been every wear to at that as well, but i need some help in this cuse i know i can do this on my own...... to damn hard. but any way hear it gose in june i lost my house cuse the land lords a prick, we wear out in mounds a hour away from every one, well i chose to go and live with some poeple in tulsa to be close. wrong thing to do as i am there the woman i was staing with was a totle nut case, she was tring to be my mom and would put me down all the time and guilt trip me and the others.
    well it was fine for a 2 weeks till it started to get to me, and that woman broke me down, i started getting sick, i was angery all the time i was *****ing at every one, and when i tried to talk to her she would all ways tell the others what i had said to them.
    pissed me the off cuse i didnt wont them to know i was deperssed and i cut my self to help the pain, or that i had done drugs to help me. i just hated it well any way i left 2 weeks ago and am living with a friend to go to school now in owasso.well i havent seen my mom, brother, sister, rabbit or dog on all most 2 months and its making me sick again.i fill like im losing that battle between good and evil in side me, every day its like the evil eats away at the good.
    do any of you and would please please help me with this? i just need some help with the beat that in me from getting out, school starts the 17 of this month and its hard. so if you know or could help please do.

    always in darkness

    im not dead yet
  2. Peachy

    Peachy ☆liberal HMod☮

    Mar 29, 2005
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    Eh, wish the best of luck. I find that i'm fighting a inner battle of my own. With my addiction and the things it's created, just remember this prayer we've all said at the NA.

    God, grant us the serenity
    To except the things we cannot change
    The courage to change the things we can
    And the wisdom to know the difference
    Just for Today ----
  3. Ashika

    Ashika This thing is so short...

    Feb 5, 2005
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    Ahh. Yah. People that put other people down. If the people she tells only believe what she says and don't come to you, then they have no self confidence in themselves to speak to someone alone. And hide behind others opinions. They should be able to accept that your trying to move past that, and it's over and not hold it against you. The best person to talk to would be Peachy (Krisis) See Above.
  4. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    So, you have a difficult situation that you do not believe that you can handle on your own. In June you lost your house because you had a difficult landlord. Since you were without a home at that time you moved to Tulsa to be closer to your loved ones and friends. However you shared this house with a woman that you do not trust.
    This woman insults you and puts you through guilt trips.

    You cannot tolerate how she is acting towards you and your mother and it makes you sick. You take out your frustration on those around you. You take it out on yourself too, one time you even cut yourself.

    You got out of there, you’re now living with a friend but it has been 2 months since you have seen your family who you miss.

    You have every right to be angry. You are ashamed to feel this way, you think it is your dark side so you hold it back. Should you be holding back your anger, or should you find a better way to deal with it?

    We are willing to listen to your frustration, but we cannot do much for you but listen. That may be what you really need right now.

    It seems this woman is causing you quite the stress, especially when you already were dealing with the stress of losing your home. Is this woman a tenant of the building you lived in or the landlady? Can you think of any way to deal with this problem? Even if she is a tenant you could speak with your landlady or landlord and let them know about the abuse. As a tenant you have a right not to deal with verbal abuse, if no action is done then request legal assistance.

    P.S. I must remind everyone that the advice given on this forum is of a non-professional nature. However there might be professionals on this forum who, by their ethics, are required to report those who are a threat to themselves or others (ex. suicidal). Please approach a counsellor at your school for serious issues.
  5. headstrong

    headstrong New Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    yea you all are right, but she was not a ladlady or any thing elsa just someone i was living with to be near my friends, she was tring to be my mother. just like my friend now is, i love my friend but she's tring to run my life and i cant take that. tell me what to do, telling me what time to be home at, and making me look like a grek and all this is realy starting to make me very angery.
    my and my bf had a fight and they steped in tellign me if i lose mike that ill not have a place to stay at and all this bull. well they can TRY to kick me out but its donna's house so yea let them try. then tell me i cant have sex any more with my bf that if i leave to have sex and they fined out there kicking me out. hahahahahah like to see them try, they arent even there throw the week.
    well i hope this will go well, my throut is killing me going to get new school clothes to day. love you all
  6. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Is there a reason you haven't seen your immediate family in so many months as you mentioned in your opening post? Have you had any contact with them at all (i.e. phone) recently?

    It might also help to talk things out with them, if only for a short while. Perhaps your parents could offer guidance.
  7. headstrong

    headstrong New Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    hahahahahahaha my mother had no idea what to do when mike told me he need a brake a day after my b-day. i love my mother and father but there not very up to date with me. but yea im the one that has to blow up my mums cell phone, da's just a tard and wont pick up, its funny my little bro called and chewed my mum out for not coming to see me and mike is going to beat my mum and dad for doing this to me.
    god i have a stress full life.

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