RPG Masquerade Introduction- Izumi Curtis

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by M-Izumi, Oct 16, 2005.

  1. M-Izumi

    M-Izumi Guest

    Izumi Curtis fumed, the stupid degenerate had managed to thieve away with her cook book. Edward her student, now enemy smirked cockily before throwing it into a near by pond. Rage filled Izumi, it had been her favorite cook book.

    She charged him griping his shoulders roughly she pushed off his chest hard with her feet. She Thrust him backward six feet, and landed her back flip. She charged him once again this time taking the full metal alchemist down by the waist she climb on top of him before punching him six times in the face.

    She lifted herself off of her unconscious victim. Gripping his jacket she forcibly picked him up.

    “go get my cook book and make sure you repair it” she chucked him into the water.

    Wrath wrinkled his nose, “ what’s that?”

    Izumi turned ready to answer.

    There was a blinding flash.

    Izumi disappeared.

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