RPG Masquerade Introduction - Kamio Misuzu

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by M-Kamio Misuzu, Oct 17, 2005.

  1. Misuzu was having the worst day. Waking up, she accidentally stepped on her dinosaur doll; it must have fallen during the night. Hitting her head on the bedframe, she rubbed the newly formed bump on her head. "Gao..."

    Later, a cicada landed in Yukito-san's eggs! Oh no! Hopefully he wouldn't notice.

    "Does it taste good?" She asked him.

    "Yes, it's very good"

    "It doesn't taste like cicadas?"

    Spitting his food out, Yukito yelled "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT!?"

    "...Gao" Another thing gone wrong. Misuzu felt bad.

    And later, later she tripped while she was getting Yukito-san a juice, squashing the box and spraying juice everywhere! He said it was alright, but she still felt bad.

    And now, riding home from school by herself; Yukito hadn't been there to pick her up. Perhaps he was with Tohno-san and Michiru-chan. Lost in thought, Misuzu's bike hit a largish stone in the road, and, changing course, was about to send her straight into a wall!


    But, just as she was about to hit the wall, a bright flash of light engulfed her, and she was gone.

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