Debate Is Live-Action based from anime or manga; Anime or Movie?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Basher, Mar 19, 2006.


What is Live-Action based anime or manga?

  1. Live Action Anime

    1 vote(s)
  2. Live Action Movie

    1 vote(s)
  1. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Now that there are plenty anime and manga turning into live-action is it considered a movie or anime?

    This will be the first time I tell you my side.

    But before that some definitions curtsy of wikipedia.

    Anime- is a style of cartoon animation originating in Japan, with distinctive character and background stylings that visually set it apart from other forms of animation.

    Manga- is the Japanese word for comics and print cartoons.

    Live Action- In film and video, live action refers to works that are acted out by flesh-and-blood actors, as opposed to animation.

    Movie- Film is a term that encompasses motion pictures as individual projects, as well as the field in general.

    Animation- Animation is the illusion of motion created by the consecutive display of images of static elements. In film and video production, this refers to techniques by which each frame of a film or movie is produced individually.

    I think it is "Live-Action Anime."

    I view it as being based from either the anime or manga it should be considered Live-Action Anime. As long as Anime and Manga first orginated in Japan.

    So far the Live-Action Anime that I have seen have used some type of animation. But that is besides the point.

    But say (Like my guy) says it is Live-Action Movie. We move movies back and forth a lot. Like Inital D.

    The other side stance is that the movie is Live-Action. As long as it is a movie it is a Live-Action Movie.
  2. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    It seems to me that giving it this type of definition is confusing, not to mention a little contradictory.

    Live Action Anime is like saying...

    Animation with Real People.

    At least by those definitions. Since when we watch a movie, we don't usually give a thought to whether or not it is based on a book and give it a special term, I'm not sure why we would give it a special term here.

    If it's a movie, it's a movie, whether it was based on a graphic novel (such as V for Vendetta - or the Death Note movies..I'm so glad you're looking forward to them like I am!) or a book/prose (Beowulf and Grendel) or just plain pulled out of thin air.

    I think that it's good to acknowledge if a movie came from a book or anime or manga, but that there can't possibly be such a thing as a 'Live Action Anime' - unless the animators animated as it was aired? That would be insanely cool.
  3. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Also very hard on them. :p

    It's difficult to condense nicely, past "Movie based on an Anime" it stops working, really. I'd say anime movie but that doesn't work either.

    Oh well. :p
  4. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Actually it would be Real people in a cartoon animation based from Japan.

    There is actually Live Action Animation. Live Action with animation via computer animation and etc. Plenty of what I have seen has had that to name a few Initial D, Sailor Moon (pretty gay), and most likely the up and coming Death Note. *Once I get it you will be the first person I share it with.*

    I do. I think would be awesome of us to recognize the specialness of our beloved Anime and Manga. (Which reminds me I need to move Initial D back where it goes.)

    Your confusing Live Action with the recent Live tv episodes. Live action is just people acting it out. Generally people think of Movies.

    Another reason why I say "Live Action Anime" because we need subtitles because of where it orginates from.

    Most sites just call any anime that was made "Live Action" just that. I don't follow the main stream. But there are exceptions like GTO Live Action then there was an actually Movie from the GTO Live Action.

    But sites that protray just anime have live action. Like ANN and animesuki.

    I see it as "Live Action Anime GTO" and "Live Action Anime GTO Movie"

    Going on the fact we need subtitles Unless you count the Live Action GTO movie. Which was licensed by media blasters but thats not out yet. Shh it's a secret. ;)

    One thing I am trying to figure out is if Studio Ghibli had their hands on this. Live Action Grave of the Fire Flies

    I am getting it now. I'll let you know if there is anything that I see on this for Studio Ghibli. They were the Production Studio for the anime.
  5. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    I have to disagree - If live action animation exists, then it's even more important not to confuse it with a movie that's based on what was originally a manga or an anime.

    If we say that we have to call it anime because we need subtitles to understand it, does that mean that any foreign film with subtitles hailing from Japan is a Live Action Anime?

    I don't know what you mean here:

    "Your confusing Live Action with the recent Live tv episodes. Live action is just people acting it out. Generally people think of Movies."

    I'm not talking about reality TV at all. I'm talking about original screenplays.

    In the case of Death Note, for example, we couldn't even call it a Live Action Anime, we would have to call it a Live Action Manga, because there is no Death Note anime as of yet.

    If we agree that anime, for most of us, means 'animation from Japan', then we have to agree that when actors are acting out the parts and being filmed, they are not being drawn and animated by computers or manga-ka, or animators, with the exception of special effects.

    EDIT: Thank you for the promise about DN :p. I'll probably get it on a torrent somewhere myself.

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