Saber Marionette Is the fandom still... alive?

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by luvweaver, Jan 21, 2005.

  1. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    I was searching for SMJ fanfiction on the web, when I realized something...

    there are NO NEW PAGES on SMJ. And in Japan there are very few SMJ pages (there's something curious going on in Japan... people write pages about anime in general, not about a specific show... the "one-show-only" sites are very rare, for the reason that new anime is constantly appearing.

    So... is the SMJ fandom... dead? :( i feel like we're some kind of "survivors" in a lonely island, with nobody else to talk.

    This makes me feel sad... :( Is there anyone which will prove me wrong?
  2. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    I know this sounds like a farewell post, but I'm not going anywhere.

    Ooh, that's a depressing thought. I hope it isn't true. Of course, we do have to remember that SMJ is 8 years old now, it's not exactly the up-and-coming, brand new thing that everyone likes to talk about. Unfortuately, you have a point. It's growing increasingly difficult to find people who even know about it. I'm working to fix that, though. I'm going to be showing it to a few of my friends, and asking them to sign up here.

    Sadly, though, it seems the glory days of Saber Marionette J are past, and, though we shall always remember it, there's a whole generation of anime fans who don't even know it exists.

    Well, even if all we can do is keep it's current fandom alive, that'll be enough for me. Logging on to BJP, and finding that all of you have been here, and had something to say, has always been special to me, it's always made me feel... happy. Happy to know that I'm not alone in my love for the series, happy to know that there are others who realize it's greatness. And I know that I, for one, will never abandon SMJ, or Cherry, for as long as I am alive. I'm certain all of you feel the same.

    Shinryu - May Saber Marionette J live forever, even though it's fans will not.
  3. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    You're right :)

    Who knows, maybe in 10 years Saber Marionette J will be appreciated as a classic work of art. Like, say... Akira. Who hasn't heard of it?

    But in the end... I guess that it's "the spirit of SMJ" that we need to give to people. Like the innocence of Lime, and the love of Otaru... (and the cuteness of Pontas! :3 ).

    We need more people like Lime in the world. I guess this is the message that we need to keep and spread...
  4. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Exactly. I figure, the series itself is less important than the message behind it. (Though, it is very important as is) If we can spread it's 'spirit' as you say, than would that not be sufficient?

    I say this, even as it's fandom wanes, as the people who once cried out "Saber Marionette J!" move on to other paths in life.

    "Never forget. Never forget the change, the impact Saber Marionette J has had upon your life. Even if you leave and never come back, remember that one special time in your life that you shared with Lime, Cherry, and Bloodberry, and remember how happy those times made you feel." (My eyes are watering. I'm actually starting to cry, now) :(

    However, just because SMJ has been around for a while, just because nobody seems to care about it anymore, doesn't mean that it's true. Even if we are the only ones left, even if nobody else does care anymore, we still have each other, right? I know that all of us love the series and it's characters with all of our hearts, minds, and souls. I know that, should the very world crumble around us, our love for Saber Marionette J will remain.

    So, to answer your question, luvweaver, SMJ's fandom is far from dead. It may not be growing by much anymore, but it is still alive. And I know there are others out there, waiting. Waiting, and searching, as desperately as we are, for any sign of others that feel the same way they do. I say, it's up to us to find them. To bring them into the circle we have made. And for those who know not of Saber Marionette J and it's wonders, to bring them into the fold.

    I'm going to go watch it now.
  5. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    Sadly, even shows of high quality experience diminished popularity when nothing new is added to it over the years.
    1 person likes this.
  6. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    A little dose of reality

    Oook... Ummm... how can I say this?

    As blasphemous as it may seem we need to come back down to earth a little bit here.

    SM is an excellent story, well presented, with thought provoking topics and themes. The characters are animated and lovable, filled with a naturally appealing vivacity. Some of us here found deeper meaning within the story lines and the characters, and as a result may have found deeper meaning within ourselves, answers to questions that at one point in time seemed frustratingly elusive, or simply felt inspired by that which touched us. I myself have a relatively strong connection with the characters and themes, that is to say that likely I would not be the person I am today had I not seen SMJ. I didn't find deeper meaning like some did, nor did I learn how to deal with hard times through watching it.

    No, SMJ 'inspired' me. It was through SMJ that I learned how to sit down and focus myself into creating something that I could be proud of. I learned that I have more depth that I once thought I once had. That I in turn, could inspire others.

    Call it a revelation or what have you. SMJ inspired me to step up and express myself.

    And you know what? I still enjoy watching the series.

    However we got to remember, it is only an animated series. I know there are some here who feel it is more, who personally feel that it is something deeply rooted in thier lives, almost as an important mile stone in their lives as thier first steps as a young child, or thier first kiss in grade school, or the first time they got behind the wheel of a car...

    But to the rest of the world, SMJ is just another low budget japanese cartoon. We need to understand that may be the truth. Most of the world could really care less. Is it sad? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. What blesses some, may not interest others.

    Now does that mean that it has any less value to any of us? Does that mean that the characters and storylines, the people and the places that we visit are any less meaningful to us? Of course not. They're going to have to pry my SM DVDs from my cold dead fingers before I give them up. They're the sole reason I lock up all my ibberish here on the ship.

    I love the series. It's fun to watch and to this day inspires the hell outta me. I dont live and breathe SMJ. I dont have a shrine... Granted there are days when I catch myself doing stupid things because I let my thoughts get carried away thinking about the series or my scribblings. I personally think that SMJ is one of the very best animes out on the market simply because of my own personal expiriences.

    Most of us here on this board HAVE personal expiriences that ties this series to us in an emotional manner. THAT'S why it means so much to us, and that's why we cling to it. That's why we still get a kick out of discussing it, and sharing ideas.

    But we have to remember, we are only a few people. Most people nowadays are drawn to the cleaner animations and flashier special effects in the newer shows. SMJ is really showing it's age so it's understandable that people aren't as interested in it as we are. First impressions count and it can't compete with the smooth impressions all the newer shows have.

    But that's not to say that the fandom is dead. We're but a few of the hardcore fans and that doesn't make us the only ones left. Goodness knows how many other people out there like the series as well. The ones where it's not thier favorite, or the DVDs at the top of thier stack, but they still enjoyed it. It's not a series they'd go online and praise everywhere they went first chance they got, but you know what, it was still a damn good watch. They're out there and there's enough of them to warrant not only that re-release of the SM box set signed by the creator (5000 copies an' I got one, Nyah Nyah [begin irritating fanboy dance]), but the release of the SMJ Manga as well. If SM was dead niether of those would have ever seen the light of day.

    The fandom aint dead. It's not as big as it once was, but just because there aren't as many people around anymore who carry the ties we carry with the series, doesn't mean that we're the only ones left. Rather than sing weepy farewell songs enjoy what you got, and dont be afraid to dabble in the new releases coming out all across the spectrum now. It's a whole wide world out there. SMJ may not be at the center of it, but its still a welcome piece of bliss.

    Sweet gods... it's 4 in the morning, im sitting in one of the reactor offices, sailing over 200 miles from dry land, babbling about god knows what. I think my eyes are at the point where they want to simply shrivel up and fall out of my head. 99 for me.

    Oh... Y no habo much espanol. English is still kicking my ass... :dizzy2:

    Y'all back on land take it easy now.


  7. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    There are new SMJ pages! Haven't you seen the the huge :rolleyes: Cherry Fan Club? :p
    I agree with Daruki. Is very difficult to 'measure' the current fandom but I think it wouldn't be too much different than some years ago. One of the problems is the lack of resources on the web. This almost made me to drop the search of multimedia on the web, but still it's too little what I have. Then, pple ask themselves, why should I make an SMJ site? more would see my page if I make it about *ANOTHER FAMOUS SERIE* for example.

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