RPG Archives ISO SMJ Fans

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Lady Aoi, Nov 2, 2001.

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  1. Lady Aoi

    Lady Aoi Princess of Shirataki

    Oct 17, 2001
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    Gomen all for the double post. It just occured to me that I should have put it in this section o_O;;

    I'm starting up an "Ask the Saber Marionette Cast" board on Ezboards and I desperately need some more rpers. Like a lot of 'em. This is a very specific kind of rpg; as in most rps, you will play one (possibly two characters depending on the number of ppl I find), however you will be answering questions about your character in character. So, for example, if a guest on the board were to ask Hanagata "What is your favorite color" I would respond as Hanagata and with a Hanagata like answer (in this case probably lavender or magenta ).

    Here are the requirements for joining.

    1) You must have a fairly sound knowledge of Saber Marionette. It need not be rock-solid, but you must at least know J and J again pretty well and know a bit about the manga.

    2) You must have previous rp and writing experience. It doesn't matter if it's in another fandom, I just want to make sure everyone who joins knows what they're doing.

    3) You must be able to check the board once a week. I honestly won't be offended if you don't request a role. In fact, if you really don't have the time, please don't apply.

    4) You must play your character IC at all times. (For example, Hanagata wouldn't suddenly turn straight and Faust wouldn't go around randomly hugging people.)

    Some other information;

    There will be a private room for cast members (all canonical Saber J characters) to congregate in to discuss board related issues or to just goof around. However, your identities will be known only to the moderator (i.e. me) and will remain so unless you choose to tell other members of the board who you are.

    As of right now the following roles are open;

    General Goddel

    More characters may be added (such as the Shogun, Dr. Yun etc.) when and if we find enough people to take them.

    If you'd like to apply to join, you needn't respond here. Simply send an email (and any questions or concerns) to me at

    Thanks for your time.

    ~ Lady Aoi
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