Naruto Itachi vs Sasuke?

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Basher, Aug 11, 2007.


Who will win in a fight?

  1. Sasuke

    0 vote(s)
  2. Itachi

    1 vote(s)
  1. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    So who do you think will win?

    Before the time slip I could say without a doubt Itachi.

    Sasuke had to grow stronger. So him leaving with Orchimaru was a good choice.

    After the time slip unless Sasuke can pull something out of his bag of tricks then Itachi.

    Unless Itachi has lost his eyesight then Sasuke.

    They won't do much against Itachi Sharingan. I believe their purpose more lies in taking out Kasumi.

    He could barely beat Deidara. Deidara ended up blowing himself.

    So unless Sasuke gets more training or has a whole bag of tricks then no.

    Maybe he will get lucky and Itachi will go blind.

    So for now I don't think he can beat Itachi up.

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