Movies Jackie Chan

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by GentatsuNoZanshi cc61, Feb 23, 2002.

  1. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    I saw his latest movie The Tuxedo and I am starting to believe that his movies are getting, uhh, more dirty? oO;

    Is it me, or they are actully getting??

    For example RH2, there was a bit when Jakie was looking at the woman while she was changing her cloths..
    And in TT, the part where this woman after the party *who was drunk* tried to do *it* , while he was trying to escape -.-;
    Not to mention the video camera part -.-;
  2. keence

    keence New Member

    Oct 9, 2002
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    I like all the movies with him in them but you've named all the ones that I know....
  3. *Fabee*

    *Fabee* Retired

    Jul 15, 2001
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    I agree there were many "unnecessary" scenes in the movie 'Tuxedo', but the same thing happens in all of his movies like Operation Condor with the naked scenes. It suppose to be funny, but I just rolled my eyes ..
  4. Odin

    Odin Member

    Nov 26, 2002
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    It would be really difficult to find the movies Jackie Chan was in for his child roles, so I won't include those here (as much as I can . . .), and this list goes all the way up to 1999, with "Who Am I?" I'm also going to try to not put the flops or movies where Jackie only made a cameo or had a side role, or was the producer/stunt coordinator/etc (I'm getting the list from his autobiography, I Am Jackie Chan, which I recommend everyone to read who loves Jackie!!).

    New Fist of Fury
    Shaolin Wooden Men (also called 36 Wooden Men, Shaolin Chamber of Death, and Young Tiger's Revenge)
    Killer Meteor (also called The Killer Meteors, or Jackie Chan vs. Wang yu)
    To Kill with Intrigue
    Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin
    Half a Loaf of Kung Fu
    Magnificent Bodyguards
    Spiritual Kung Fu
    Dragon fist
    Snake in Eagle's Shadow (also called The Eagle's Shadow)
    Drunken Master
    Fearless Hyena
    The 36 Crazy Fists (also called Blood Pact, or Master and the Boxer)
    Fearless hyena II
    The Young Master
    Battle Creek Brawl (also called The Big Brawl)
    Cannonball Run
    Dragon Lord
    Winners and Sinners (also called Five Lucky Stars)
    Cannonball Run II
    Project A
    Wheels on Meals
    My Lucky Stars
    Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars (also called My Lucky Stars II, and The Target)
    The Protector
    Heart of Dragon (also called First Mission)
    Police Story
    Armour of God
    Project A II
    Dragons Forever
    Police Story II
    Armour of God II: Operation Condor
    Island of Fire (also called Island on Fire, Burning Island, When Dragons Meet, and The Prisoner)
    Twin Dragons
    Police Story III (also called Supercop)
    City Hunter
    Crime Story (also called Police Story IV, which is confusing because there is another movie called Police Story IV which is also known as Supercop II where Jackie Chan isn't the lead role, but Michelle Yeoh is)
    Drunken Master II (which hit the U.S. Theaters under the title "Drunken Master")
    Rumble in the Bronx
    Jackie Chan's First Strike (also known as Police Story IV, which sucks because now there are three "Jackie Chan" movies that have the same frickin' name!!!)
    Mr. Nice Guy
    Burn Hollywood Burn
    Who Am I?

    Other Jackie Chan movies that I remember came out later are The Tuxedo (of course), Gorgeous, The Accidental Spy, and Shanghai Noon. I can't wait to see Shanghai Knights when that comes out . . .


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