Martial Arts Kage Ryu

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hitokiri_Gensai, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. Hitokiri_Gensai

    Hitokiri_Gensai Gunslinger Girl

    Feb 27, 2003
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    hrm since some people seem to be interested in the various martial arts, ive decided to post some of my research and findings.

    Kage Ryu Kenjutsu use whats called a Chokken, which is an extended sword usually over 3 shaku in length. one of the members,Takamuku Miyoji, carried a 3 shaku 7 sun sword, which works out to be about 3 feet 6 inches with a 2 shaku tsuka. making the blade over 5 feet overall. The man who wrote the article is named Colin Hyakutake, who carries a 3 shaku 8 sun sword, and his wife carries the shortest of the chokken measuring 3 shaku 2 sun.

    Kage ryu surivives as the last of the true Chokken arts in Japan. Even during the time of restricted sword length during the Tokugawa Rule, they managed to keep it a secret long enough to outlive the restrictions. Its founder was Yamamoto Hisaya Masakatsu of Akizuki and he passed the Ryu onto the Tachibana family who have gaurded the style since the late 1500's and continue to lead the art. Its a closed art, only taught within Japan and because its a family led tradition titles and dan ranks arent used. Most exponents carry dan ranks in other martial arts, but once accepted they are called Kaiin which means members. One Shihan is elected with all the members of the art.

    Only live swords are used in the training, however for new exponents they are given Sayasui-Bokken which are bokken with a saya or scabbard usually resembling a real sword with lacquered saya and tsuka.

    Standard wear is black Hakama and uwagi, black is worn during the winter and white during the summer. all Kaiin are entitled to wear Kamon crests of the Tachibana family on their clothes. During formal events all Kaiin wear Montsuki Kimono and Hakama which have the Tachibana Mon on them.

    These unusually long blades are worn thrust through the Obi in front like a regular katana and are worn with a tanto called a Maezashi which is used to throwing or fighting when an opponent gets too close to draw and effectivly use the long sword. There are NO sitting techniques within the school as it calls on practicality not prettiness as Colin Hyakutake says. They even practice techniques on horseback. Its original intent was fighting in yoroi but as the ages passed that slowly changed.
  2. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    YOu mentioned the fact that the style is family led yet everytime you say 'exponents' I get the feeling you are saying students. Does that mean that people outside the family can learn the style as well.
  3. Hitokiri_Gensai

    Hitokiri_Gensai Gunslinger Girl

    Feb 27, 2003
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    im not entirely sure what the Tachibana family's rules are for the art, but it seems that outsiders can join, but are forbidden for teaching the art except for within the Dojo itself. and by exponents i mean students. typically students of the martial arts are known as exponents of the art.
  4. Ratty

    Ratty New Member

    Oct 28, 2006
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    Saw a chokken at a shop recently. It's in wallhanger fittings, but seems sturdy enough for practice. (would'nt touch it myself, my next one's going to be personally forged, looking into Bugei for that)
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