Kenshin theme songs

Discussion in 'Rurouni Kenshin' started by Ludacris, Nov 22, 2003.

  1. Ludacris

    Ludacris New Member

    Nov 17, 2003
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    Hello again. I've been looking for the names a few song titles of certain songs. I started from the last page and worked my way up to the 1st page to see if anyone asked this before(I may have skipped over it) but I didn't see anyone asking. I don't have a problem with the JPN version. I just like instrumental.(working out, and drawing to.) Don't really care too much for lyrics

    I was watching a few of my Kenshin eps. and found some songs that I like, but don't know the names of them.

    1st song- The battle between 2nd battle between Aoshi and Kenshin(it was also on the episode where Kenshin was learning the Ultimate attack I think, also in the episode where Shishio and Kenshin began to fight)

    2nd song- The battle between Hiko and Fuji(it was also on the last episode where Kenshin was battling Soujiro, when they both were going for a final attack)

    3rd song- The 2nd battle between Aoshi and Kenshin when they both decided to give it everything they got.(also in the episode when everyone first found out about Shishio)

    I may come back for some more so you wouldn't mind it if end up reviving this topic. Hope not.
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  2. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    Are you talking about the songs or the instrumental??

    I didn't watch RK for a while now, and I don't have all of it, so I am kind of lost here, specially if you are talking about the instrumental ones, I am not an expert at thoes.. *yet* :p
  3. Okita

    Okita New Member

    Aug 4, 2003
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    Well, I'm glad to see another person who prefers instrumental music over vocal. There are very few vocal songs I enjoy, and those few don't compare to most instrumental songs.

    In regards to the question, I can't answer it, but you could buy the soundtracks for the series if you're willing to part with $15+ for this. Or you could just find the songs on the 'net...somewhere.

    (But if you wanna know songs from the Tsuiokuhen OVA...I'm pretty sure I can name each one just listening to a small clip or anyone naming any part, no matter how minuscule, of the movie (I like that movie as well as its music).)
  4. kikyo5

    kikyo5 New Member

    Dec 26, 2003
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    I think Song # 1 is called freckles, but i am not shir :sweat2:
  5. Hitokiri_Gensai

    Hitokiri_Gensai Gunslinger Girl

    Feb 27, 2003
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    i think the first and third songs are "warrior's suite" but im not sure..."freckles" is the translated name of the opening theme "sobakasu"

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