Inu-Yasha Kikyo VS. Kohaku

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Hanyou_Kagome, Apr 12, 2005.

  1. Hanyou_Kagome

    Hanyou_Kagome New Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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    I've been seeing this around on the web quite a bit now...I guess one person thought they had this *brilliant* idea to compare Kikyo to Kohaku.

    Kohaku is dead and kills people...why don't people hate HIM and why isn't there a Kohaku Haters group?

    Well, the first thing I did was laugh my a$$ off. Then I got angry...cuz Kohaku is NOTHING like Kikyo and should not be compared as such. The poor kid...he's suffered enough already! LOL.

    So, at the Anti-Kikyo site I have going I put up an entire page dedicated to comparing every major aspect of their lives (before and after death). You will see that they really don't square up at all.

    "Undeads may vary ; evil meets manipulated"

    Go check it out and let me know what you think of the "comparison"
  2. KaYasha

    KaYasha I'm Boelak Yrubron

    Jul 29, 2004
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    What is up with that site?!

    Kohaku is dead and kills people...he's just like Kikyo...why don't we hate HIM?

    WHAT? Kikyou doesn't go around and kill people?! Yeah... Your site is Anti Kikyou so they make her look evil, they don't have a no side view on things. So, I really can't say much about what they said. It was okay though, and I saw where they got there stuff.
  3. kikyoulvr4eva

    kikyoulvr4eva Want a cookie?

    Nov 16, 2004
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    I really think the 'comparision' is unnecessary. Should I spoil it? Meh, I don't feel like add spoiler tags.

    It's obvious they have both suffered enough.

    Seems to me like they get their facts from the anime. Nothing wrong with that though.
  4. Hanyou_Kagome

    Hanyou_Kagome New Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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    Sorry to bring the truth to light here...but Kikyo has taken TWO human lives.

    The first was of the monk episode #22. He was the monk that saw her as the undead thing that did not belong among the world of the living. He was trying to help her and bring her to terms with her death and help her move on to the afterlife. He walked in on her while she was filling up of the poor innocent souls of the dead women. Kikyo of course was not quite ready to let go of her vengeance/hatred and scoffed at the monk's intention.
    "Your soul shall be saved. Just sleep and pass on to the afterlife" he says to her
    To which Kikyo angrily retorts: "You think my soul can be saved by the likes of you?!"

    She breaks through the spell and one of the dragon's claws goes flying right at Seikai's throat...killing him.

    Kikyo stands over the dying man and says:
    "If only you had minded your own business, you would not have had to die"

    AND...the icing on the cake...that poor girl Sayo witnessed the whole thing...which of course had her scared brainless and thinking Kikyo-sama wasn't the great gentle miko she had first thought.

    The second human death occurs in episode #32. Kikyo is in Naraku's castle, except she doesn't know it yet. She was brought there to heal the ailing master (which was Naraku recovering from his first body being destroyed by Kagome). She's in a jail cell of some sort and summons in her schinidamachuu. They encircle the guard who is posted at the door and choke him. You can see his soul seeping out from his you KNOW he has been killed.

    So you can try explaing away the first one as "self-defense" but there is no explanation for the second one. She could've knocked him out without killing him...hell she could've made it out of that cell in at least a dozen other ways that DIDN'T involve having that guard killed.

    So ya...Kikyo HAS killed people. Two innocent human people. And she is evil because of her soul sucking activities. She may see herself as dirty for doing it...but she still carries on and does it anyway. She can no longer be even considered a miko anymore because she has taken innocent human lives and she feeds on the souls of the innocent...therefore preventing their natural process after death...messing with their ability to reach nirvana and reincarnate.
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  5. kikyoulvr4eva

    kikyoulvr4eva Want a cookie?

    Nov 16, 2004
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    Kikyou doesn't want to be pitied. She wasn't ready to die until she knew the reason she died, why she was betrayed by "Inuyasha." According to the manga, she didn't know the fact she died and who Naraku is when she killed the monk in volume 8.

    Kikyou isn't interfering with anything of those dead women souls. The only thing she takes from them is their energy, and releases the souls later, purifying them. She sends them to nirvana even if they're destined to go to hell. Isn't the reincarnation process part of the Buddist religon?

    I can't deny the second explanation, but why should it? It's the truth. It seems as if this topic is to detect the flaws of Kikyou, and making everyone else look perfect.

    What is this topic for anyway?
  6. Hanyou_Kagome

    Hanyou_Kagome New Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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    Well, we shall then just agree to DISAGREE. LOL :D

    You like Kikyo, I do not. I shall not feel obligated to defend my opinion of her to you (and vice versa)

    Have a fantabulous day! :p
  7. KaYasha

    KaYasha I'm Boelak Yrubron

    Jul 29, 2004
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    Kohaku and Kikyou are a lot differnt all to gether. That is just the story. Kohaku really doesn't kill the people anyway, it is Naraku killing the people. Kikyou yes killed to men. There WAS a reason to it though. We don't know if Kikyou doesn't put the soul back into the second man either.

    If I may ask, what makes you hate her so much that you have to make differnt threads about bashing her?
  8. kikyoulvr4eva

    kikyoulvr4eva Want a cookie?

    Nov 16, 2004
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    You don't like her, but it seems unnecessary for you to make threads bashing her.
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  9. raquazagirl2000

    raquazagirl2000 New Member

    Apr 12, 2005
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    Kikyou vs. Kohaku

    Well, I would AlSO laugh my @$$ off if somebody as sweet and caring as Kohaku to be compared to someone as deadly, cold, emotionless and pathetic as Kikyou.

    It's not Kohaku's FALT!!!
    It's not Kikyou's falt either. But think, KOHAKU was POSESSED by Naraku and was FORCED to kill people. The real Kohaku that we love is unconscious and his soul was possesed to kill other people. But, as sad Kikyou is, she still has a choice to kill or not. In the 22 episode, she HAD A CHOICE!!!! That poor monk was just trying to help her rest in peace. And that b**** KILLED the poor soul!!! She thinks the monk is not good enough for her or something... AND IN FRONT OF A LITTLE GIRL??? What a bad example!!
  10. kikyoulvr4eva

    kikyoulvr4eva Want a cookie?

    Nov 16, 2004
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    The monk wanted her to rest in peace, because she didn't belong in the living realm, correct? He did it at the wrong time. She wanted to know the real reasons she died, how she died and who killed her. You can't blame her for wanting to know the truth.

    What makes you think that? Kikyou didn't want to be pitied by somone who doesn't know the reason she in the living world.

    Kikyou didn't know Sayo was hiding and watching the whole thing. It sounds like you're saying Kikyou purposelly took a life in front of a child.
  11. Hanyou_Kagome

    Hanyou_Kagome New Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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    I just never liked Kikyo from the beginning of the series. The first glimpse I caught of her was when she pinned Inu Yasha to the God tree (in a flashback). Then when she was brought back to life in that immitation body and was all angsty and hate-filled and tried to kill Inu Yasha without even trying to hear him out's been downhill ever since.

    I'm not making threads that bash her. Those would be more like...
    "OMG, I hate Kikyo she is such a *%@# and deserves to die! She's totally in the way of Inu/Kag relationship! She needs to dieee1111!!!"

    But at least I take the time to list some reasons and my points of view and some valid FACTS...things that happened in the anime and/or manga. Unlike some people who claim they hate Kagome because of the "she wears a short skirt and is a slut - four timer"

    I was trying to call a truce earlier. I will be happy to stay in my corner about my opinions if you do the same :D
  12. KaYasha

    KaYasha I'm Boelak Yrubron

    Jul 29, 2004
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    If you are talking about me with the skirt that was just a joke, I actually do like Kagome she is my second favorite character, thank ya very much! At first I didn't like Kikyou either like when she was brought back to life and tried killing InuYasha I was all over that, yelling at my TV. Then after I thought about her, and saw moreof her, I started to like her. I love how complex she is. You really just don't know what she will do.

    She is nice at times too. She does help those who are in need, but she isn't always there to save the day. All Kikyou wants is revenge for her death by Naraku. The reason that Kikyou hear out InuYasha when se was brought back was because, she still thought it was him who had killed her and betrayed her. I am pretty sure if you had a chanch to payback a person who did something like that to you then you WOULDN'T want to sit around and hear there side of the story. Although Kikyou did listen to what he had to say, she didn't belive it all then.
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  13. Hanyou_Kagome

    Hanyou_Kagome New Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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    People do actually center entire arguments/web pages on that Kagome statement I referred to earlier. So I wasn't just putting it down because you said it as a joke. Some people SERIOUSLY use that reason and I find it's the #1 reason people claim to hate her for.
  14. kikyoulvr4eva

    kikyoulvr4eva Want a cookie?

    Nov 16, 2004
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    I kinda find it odd that Kagome always wears her school uniform into the fuedal era. It's hard not seeing her in something different. I did see her wear something different in volume 2 though.

    I like them both, but I think Kikyou is more enjoyable to read/watch about. Kagome is the typical character that lots of people use for stories. Kikyou is more complex and misunderstood and she resembles a part of me. Which I like her for. :D

    I don't mind that you don't like Kikyou that much. Everyone has his/her opinions. I believe Kikyou and Kagome have the potential to be friends. They envy each other in some ways and admire each other sometimes. It's tiring listening to people flame Kikyou or Kagome with retorts that aren't true.

    Hanyou_Kagome, I'm adding you too my buddy list. ^_^
  15. Hanyou_Kagome

    Hanyou_Kagome New Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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    *Does spastic dance of boundless joy*
  16. Kogarashi

    Kogarashi Summon of Wood

    Jan 13, 2003
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    Please keep the discussion civil and keep it from degenerating into an argument. No shouting, no ridicule of other people or their opinions. Otherwise I'll have to lock the thread.

    In regards to Kagome always wearing her uniform to the feudal era: it has been mentioned previously, but apparently bears repeating. For starters, it's probably one of the outfits Kagome's most comfortable in. Half the time, she might not take enough time at home to change out of it, being too busy to pack her backpack and such. She may be one of those odd ducks who just likes wearing her uniform a lot. From a graphical standpoint, manga (especially that aimed at younger children) has a tendency to keep to the same outfits for each character so that the readers can more easily identify them, especially in a series where most everyone has the same hair color. The anime for said manga usually holds true to this form. Yes, Kagome has changed outfits once or twice, but unless it is a "fashion" series (like Gals!), characters will most often stay in one outfit. And as far as the short skirt goes, that's standard in Japanese school uniforms (and possibly a bit exaggerated in anime/manga). You're actually considered something of a "rebel" if you wear your skirt long (as evidenced by the character of Uotani in Fruits Basket).

    As far as Kikyo vs. Kohaku is concerned (I don't really care to touch the Kikyo vs. Kagome discussion): I can see where the initial statement comes from, and where some of the argument stems from. Kikyo and Kohaku are both characters brought "back from the dead" in one way or another (Kikyo has her clay body, and Kohaku is most likely his flesh body held together with a shikon shard, as Sango's was briefly when she was hunting Inuyasha). Both characters would probably like nothing more than to drop what they're doing and go back to being dead, but both stick around for one reason or another. Both have killed people.

    But while there are a lot of IY fans who hate Kikyo to varying degrees, there don't seem to be many who hate Kohaku.

    Why? Because Kikyo chooses to kill, whether out of self-defense or for other reasons. Because Kikyo destroyed the one who brought her back and intended to enslave her, and is now her own master. Because Kikyo gets in the way of Inuyasha's and Kagome's relationship. Kohaku is forced to kill by Naraku. Kohaku has no control over his actions, really. Because the only relationship Kohaku has a chance of screwing up is that between Sango and Miroku, and only because for a while, Sango thought she was going to have to kill herself after re-killing her brother to atone. Kohaku isn't trying to replace Miroku (in anyone's eyes).

    Yes, I know that later in the series, Kohaku regains full control of his own will, but he still masquerades as being under Naraku's control in order to get close to Naraku's heart and eventually destroy the demon.

    Now, don't get me wrong. The only reason I dislike Kikyo is because, for quite some while, she tried to take Inuyasha to hell with her for various petty reasons of her own, and didn't seem to understand the reasons why he still wanted to stick around in the living world (Kagome). Because for a while, Kikyo seemed determined to kill Kagome for whatever reason. And because later in the series, when Kagome has done certain things to help Kikyo, Kikyo acts selfish and childish and refuses to show gratitude of any sort, and often even seems to regard Kagome as inferior and only of use when there are things Kikyo herself can't do that Kagome can. Yes, I'm referencing certain parts of the later episodes. No, I will not post those spoilers here right now. This post is long enough as it is.

    I can understand why Kikyo still sticks around. It's for similar "unfinished business" that Kohaku displays. I can see that her willfully killing others (even if it's only two) differs from Kohaku unwillingly doing the same. What I don't see with that is why she had to kill the monk, but then that event seemed to be in the petty and selfish portion of her undead existence. That, and Kikyo's methods and motivations now are probably as heartless as Naraku himself, just in favor of "good" instead of "evil."

    Now please. If you can't keep your posts civil and more in the vein of "discussion" than "heated argument," I will close this thread. Keep the discussion to a comparison between Kikyo and Kohaku. We don't need another argument about why someone hates Kikyo and why someone else thinks that's stupid.
  17. Hanyou_Kagome

    Hanyou_Kagome New Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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    That was a very good post. Thank you for making it so clear and concise and non-flamey. LOL.

    That's pretty much the same way I like to make my rants on Kikyo as well.
  18. yakamashi

    yakamashi New Member

    May 18, 2003
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    i personally don't really think that there really IS anything to compare with kikyo and kohaku. i mean, kohaku is a little boy who was controlled by some evil hot half breed to kill all these people, whilst kikyo 'kills' people because she is who she is. or at least does it with her own free will. (but i haven't seen kikyo kill anyone. only assasinate demons.) :dizzy2: they're both as good as dead (they're both practicaly dead...) and have some kind of connection to naraku though.

    that didn't really make sense.
  19. NinjaAlchemist

    NinjaAlchemist New Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    I dont personally mind Kohaku.
    I really Hate Kikyo though.
    Kohaku was killed, but now Naraku has... well yeah.
    Kikyo wont give up on killing InuYasha. i think she should just get over herself and die. She never listened to Kagome or InuYasha.
    What is her PURPOSE (anymore) in the show???!? She had a good reason to be there in the begining... but not so much anymore! She is getting between InuYasha and Kagome... >.< Kohaku is younger, so maybe people are bit more leanient (SP) with him.
  20. Peachy

    Peachy ☆liberal HMod☮

    Mar 29, 2005
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    Alright I admit it. Kikyou is a *****. xD Kohaku is sweet and posessed. I think Kohaku is better in a way, but Kikyou is still in the better state of mind I guess..

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