Paranormal Kris Angel: Mind freak.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chance, Jun 23, 2006.

  1. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Ok kiddos, let's talk magic. What do we think about Kris Angel. Now, I've seen his show once or twice, and he's levitated across and building and done some weird shyt like that. So, is he the real deal or a horrid fake?

    Now, I keep the idea close to his heart he might be the real thing but then I realize that's so farfetched, I'm silly to think it. But..It looks so real, it's hard not to believe it.
  2. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    I think he's real. I mean, come on, a lot of things here's done already are just freaky. (Guy I can't remember the name of for the life of me) is suppose to be one person that did inpossible stunts, expect his stunts had no danger in them but Kris' stunts do have danger in them.

    Kris' very first stunt was where he was lit like a candle and set aflame for his mom's birthday. When he was going to be put out with those fire (thingys (can't remember the name of them)) he was laying on a mat. By the end of it when they were done, he was some place and not on the mat.

    If that isn't real, I don't know what is. It was done in a public place and there was no time to just change and reappear some place else in less than five seconds. Plus someone would have seen him moving.

    How do we know that it wasn't fake? Just watch his face careful and you'll see that it is Kris and you can tell by his voice too before they put him on fire.
  3. Cherrygirl

    Cherrygirl Cherrylicious!

    Feb 6, 2005
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    It depends what you define as "magic". Do you define it as optical illusions and being quick with your hands, or do you define it as having supernatural powers that give you the ability to do what no regular human being can do? It's hard to say if he's genuine or not. Some of his tricks can easily be explained and some of them look so increadible that its hard to imagine he's anything but magical. I like to believe he is but it's hard to tell from TV alone. You can't see things from every angle, you cant move around him to check his stunts out. I think that if I saw him in person I'd be a different story. I'm not sure it really matters if he's real or not, he provides an AMAZING entertainment value to TV and I really enjoy watching him do what he does.
  4. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    It is hard to see if he is by just watching the TV. Now I wish I was around him when he did his stunts to see if they are real T_T

    I still like them :D

    But I forgot what time it comes on. Does anyone know?
  5. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    This is my point. Can we truly call him magic when many things he does are really just illusions? How do you trust his so called "energy" if he openly admits to just tricking our eyes? And Lance, I think you were talking About David Blaine but what he does isn't magic, it's torture to his body.
  6. Samurai Me

    Samurai Me New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Hmmmmmmm. Well Magic is real but I am not so sure his is real. It may be but I know a few people who can do the same trick. They use projecters and move away from the projection to make it look there levitating in some other direction or something to that effect. It was kinda confusing for me to understand it. But I think he's a fake, I have a book on magic that tells you all about how they do that kind of stuff. I'll go look it up and be back lol.
  7. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    Lucky: I was talking about Houdino, not the other guy you were talking about (finally got his name :D)

    Samurai Me: If you know about it, then how do you make someone float in the air, in public, without what seems to be any wires holding you up? Kris did that and I don't think that it was fake. There was no way that he could have used wires at one time because he was in the air, above a building and I didn't see an invisible crane around there :p

    After reading my reply agian, I think I sound rude. Sorry if I did, I'm just making a point. I am kind of mad because me and my family won't be going to a cookout today T_T
  8. Samurai Me

    Samurai Me New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Oh dats easy. We must first acess evert possible thing that could have been done. For one, one can edit a video to hide things with camera's. Or, before at night he could have set up these projections upon the top of the building withou tpeople knowing, say like at night or somthin. There are many possibility's surrounding what these so called "Magic" people can do. But I have read about the Occult and there "ACTUAL REAL MAGIC". And this man is just a fluke compared to those of old. Like, he does tricks. If he was a real magician, don't you think he would be doing more with his power. Oh well, I am confused. I am gonna stay neutral on this lol.
  9. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    He did it in public. How do you explain that? If people saw him with the crane and then see him on TV in the same place but with only him floating there, I would have called people and said it was just fake and many more people may have said something too about it.
  10. Samurai Me

    Samurai Me New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Remember Lance my friend. Where theres a will theres a way. I bet these people may have been in on it. ANd payed to keep there mouths shut. Lets use common sense here...plain and simple...YOU CAN'T LEVITATE! If so, then you can bet we would learn it in martial arts to do those crazy moves like in the matrix (Man it would be cool if we could). But really think it was a fluke. and he dosen't need a crain to do it. He can use all kinds of different thing. Like how about them shark poles they sell for fishing sharks. they can have a 1,500 drag on them, meaning they can pull in up to 1,500 pounds till they snap. One could use that.
  11. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    Yeah, they could now that I think about it. Okay, so what if he's a fake, he's still fun to watch :D

    Another thing to wish for :D
  12. Samurai Me

    Samurai Me New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    YEP ^^ I wish I could do them triple kicks...if we could levitate we could FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But yep ^^ He is fun to watch no doubt.
  13. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Personally, I think he levitated. =) I think he's amazing. And..He's hot.
  14. catscan189

    catscan189 New Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    It is a TV show... *cough*digitalediting*cough* If I saw Criss do that kind of stuff irl, now there's something. He's one of the few I can't figure out how some of his tricks work...

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