
Discussion in 'Gatchaman' started by sparrow, Sep 24, 2001.

  1. sparrow

    sparrow Guest

    Hello! I've got another question for you all who have seen the gatchaman episodes as well as the other versions. Were there ever any times when Mark and Princess (or Ken and June, etc) ever expressed any romantic feelings for each other? If so, when? I do remember a couple times in BotP there were hints of a romance. I just wondered if the other versions had any. Thanks!
  2. Dei

    Dei New Member

    Dec 4, 2001
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    Hi Sparrow -- long time no chirp! [​IMG]

    In Gatchaman, you have to wait until Gatchaman F for anything like a romance between Ken and Jun, though sometimes Ken does things that could be intepreted as indicating that he's long cared more than he let on. [​IMG]
  3. Cloud

    Cloud Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 2, 2001
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    Yep isn't there an episode in BotP where he mentions not getting involved with people he's helping, especially with his "feelings for Princess"...

  4. shinri

    shinri Guest

    There's another BotP episode where Mark remarks to her, "I've always enjoyed looking at you, Princess." I think this qualifies as a sign of affection.

    It was the ep where they make decoys for all 5 team members and they are put in a parade... the title escapes me right now.
  5. Mark

    Mark G-Force Commander

    Jan 30, 2001
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    shinri beat me to it! I was going to mention that.

    Interesting that in Gatchaman Fighter, the personalities of Ken and Joe seem to shift. Ken is the more fly-off-the-handle and impetuous one, while Joe is the level-headed and calm one.
  6. shinri

    shinri Guest

    Then again, Gatch F was much more Ken-oriented than II, so I guess they had to create more angst for him, and hence the personality shift.

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