RPG Archives Maelstrom of Fate - The Discovery

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by DPettinger, Jun 18, 2004.

  1. DPettinger

    DPettinger Guest

    Brad sat patiently in his office twirling his combat knife in the air. The knife arced up and then came back down and dug into his desk as Brad turned his attention to one of the monitors. A small Grolim class scout ship was docking in junction seven. Brad stood and picked up his knife, sheathing it as he walked towards the door. As Brad reached for the door knob trhe door swung open and a junior officer stood hunched over catching his breath. The word 'Jenkins' was stitched onto his shirt. "Sir." he said and came to attention saluting. "At ease." Brad said as he returned the salute. "The captain of the ship that is just docking now, says he has information pertaining to the indentity and whereabouts of your parents' killer." he said. "Lead the way." Brad said as his attention was now foccused solely on the Jenkins.

    Jenkins turned and lead the general to the docking port. "Mobalize the fleet." Brad said as he stopped one of his senior officers. Brad was lead into the scout ship and to the bridge. "Long time no see." a deep voice said from in the shadows. "It's been a while." Brad responded. "Thirty eight years to be exact." the voice said. "And I thought I told you not to return." Brad said blatently. "Is that anyway to talk to your brother." the man said. "Its good to see you Kevin, come, lets talk." Brad said. Brad turned and almost ran into Jenkins. "Dismissed." he said to the junior officer. Brad lead Kevin into his office and then closed the door behind them. "I'm told you have news of our parents' killer." Brad said as he sat in his leather chair.

    OOC: I'l leave the rest of the conversation for you to finish...
  2. Valant Rapitor

    Valant Rapitor A Hungry Weeble

    Jun 11, 2004
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    Kevin, now visibly older, and growing grey hairs that obviously denoted his age if his face did not, stepped forward with a chortle. He looked no longer than the wild boy from Brad's past, the person who would take the rules and twist them all to his fun. It did not earn him a good reputation amongst instructors, but he was revered by his peers as a genius in humor. Unfortunately, 60 and aging on, Kevin was no longer, by any means, young and energetic.

    "Ah, you still look like the old preppy boy that I remember from so long ago..." After that, his face hardened as he gazed at Brad with a steely gaze. "...but now is not the time for reminiscing. There is information to be had, indeed." He looked down to the floor while shuffling in his pockets. Soon, he produced a disk. "I have grown too old to fight this... thing. Therefore, you must take up the sword, as I fear that my time will come before it is done.... and all is lost." Snickering without humor, he held it out to Brad. "Here is all that you need to know... brother." He bowed slowly, various bones making popping sounds as he did, and turned to move.
  3. DPettinger

    DPettinger Guest

    "Wait." Brad said as he leaned forward slightly. "What do you mean 'thing'. It is human isn't it?" he asked.
  4. DPettinger

    DPettinger Guest

    OOC: I'm still waiting for a reply... is anyone there?

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