Recreation Me, Myself and I

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chane, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. Chane

    Chane Audience of One

    Nov 28, 2005
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    Me, Myself and I (An Explanation and Apology)

    Well I figured this was the best place to post about aaaaaaaall this crap, since there's not much to celebrate to, so celebrations wouldn't work... anyways... now, don't let me get off on an egotistical, self-centered rant here, but...

    As some (assumingly few) might have noticed (at least those of you who know me, or remember me. Check my sig for my previous account names), my attitude as of late (past few weeks) took a sudden spike down to increasingly more angry, emotional and offensive, and then a twist to just plain ****ing nuts and weird, and it's attributed to the fact that about two and a half weeks ago my long-time girl friend (five years, off and on) Kara broke up with me for reasons that are, pretty much, irrelevant to this all. It's a thing I've grown to be grateful for, however. The first week or two pretty much blew, but I suddenly feel lighter and easier and just feel like a different person now.

    I've been here for a while and know a lot of people (albeit most of them don't really know me in turn) but I've always been grateful of most of the people that I've become friends with here, such as Jess (Meaikohs!), Tiff (Peaches!), and Baphles (even if I find out your name, you're always going to be Baphles because you just BAPHLE me with flavor). And, even the people who I haven't gotten particularly close to but I still find to be great people who I am sure would have stuck by me like the others (BB, Basher, BMS, Chance, FR, wertitis, and so many others I couldn't even dream to name).

    Through most of my time here, I've been an irresponsible, reprehensible, childish, ignorant, arrogant, sarcastic, sardonic and all around mean, crude and rude *******. I was a bane on the existence of most of the members here, especially the newbies I unsacreligiously tortured and was an utter annoyance, as always, to the admins of the Debates forum and, even for a time, BB in the Creative Writing forum. Hell, I've even been banned once or twice (hi, Zanza!). You know, I'm twenty years old, half way to twenty-one, I'm doing absolutely nothing with my life and I've been nothing but a bump on a log for the longest time. I think recent events really made me stop and think about what I was doing (or not doing in some cases).

    All of you are great people (even if there are a select few of you I secretly, or not-so-secretly, hate, but that doesn't change the fact that you're a person) and, really, only an apology of how I've acted should really follow suit to all of my previous inane babble, which is indeed one of the points of this silly thread. On the 10th of November, I'm heading to Florida to live with my father (whom I've not seen for about eight years now) and hope to have better luck out in the world with life and love over there. I'll hope to, in the near future and even now, to be a considerably more considerate and helpful individual to the people here, and a much more productive body. My utmost sincere apologies go out to anyone and everyone amongst you that I might've hurt, annoyed, bothered, upset or got on the nerves of in these past years.

    If you bothered to read all of that, or any of that, thank you.

    And just remember...


    Gregory House, MD, is always watching you. He's like ****ing Santa Clause... be careful.
  2. Baphijmm

    Baphijmm Kunlun Knight

    Mar 8, 2003
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    Well... not sure what to say. I've not really been paying attention to the Newbie forum, so I don't know fully, but I've not seen any reprehensible behavior (certainly scathing sarcasm, but that's always been your thing :p ). Anyway, I hope things go well for you out there in Florida; hope to hear at least a few updates here and there (unless this was a goodbye thread, in which case I can understand).

    Don't be a stranger, and take care of yourself. :)
  3. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    This is just sheer Sasuke which is good. I wish I had read this earlier. :(

    I don't think you have been banned for a while so you must not be to bad. *coughs*

    How is everything going now? Even though it has been over two weeks only. I would still like to know.
  4. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    sometimes a major change in your life, like a big move, is just what's needed to make things better ^^

    (and never worry about creative writing forums, i just browse it for language. you kids and your damn poetry >.> -hates poems- hehe)

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