Video Games Metal Gear Solid 2 is disturbing! ****spoiler!****

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by DragonSlaveVivi, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. DragonSlaveVivi

    DragonSlaveVivi New Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Has anyone got up to the part in Metal Gear Solid 2 where Emma Emmerich dies and otacon tells his story of corruptness with his step mom? i almost puked and cried! A 16 year old girl dieing from some vampire jerk and a brother who was with his mom! why did Hideo include such a thing in his storyline!?
  2. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
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    Apr 17, 2002
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    Because, it makes for a good sidestory? And because, it's also in normal stories in japan? It's not that hard to accept, just for close minded people. It's not NORMAL, but it's part of the STORY.

    Also, figure this. Hal was also deeply disturbed about it. He was actually destroyed about hurting Emma. That's why he left and went to Shadow Moses when he had the chance in the first place.

    Personally, I liked that part of the story because Raiden/Snake weren't the main focus of it. It's the people around them that had the consequence of their own actions. Which is cool because it made the game more cinematic.

    If you really don't like it...just ignore it. YOU CAN skip that scene you know. ^_^
  3. DragonSlaveVivi

    DragonSlaveVivi New Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Sorry, i just realized Emma and Hal were not blood related, so Hal is not really an incester, that makes me feel better.

    By the way another creepy thing is when The A.I. colnel starts malfunctioning and tells you to turn the game off and how to "plant things that give rashes" and what not, that was kinda funny though.
  4. psyeudkev

    psyeudkev New Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    Yes! That was disturbing, yet hilarious. I actually thought of getting up and checking my system for any glitches :) I darn hate that robotic-voice though.
  5. DragonSlaveVivi

    DragonSlaveVivi New Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    I hate that voice too, I also hated when the colnel was looking the wrong way at one point.

    By the way wat was with the radar being replaced by some live camera on a real woman? i wanted to see what happened but a cut scene got in my way, what did happen in that little box?
  6. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
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    Apr 17, 2002
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    Nothing. She's either just a face or just sitting on a lounge chair.

    There's also a small radar cutscene from Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions where Mei Lin is just doing random poses. Rather cute actually, as you actually get to face Mei Lin.

    MGS2 is just full of Easter Eggs like that.

    It's fun just going around in that corridor, listening to what the Colonel has to say. LOL.

    As a sidenote, when you first enter the Belly of the big Metal Gear...I forget what it's called...the belly is actually called Azabu-Juuban. It's a ward/prefecture/district in Tokyo. More commonly known to anime fans as the home of the Sailor Senshi (Sailor Scouts). ^_^

    Bleh, forgot also...depending on the version you have...Xbox or PS2...the posters are different. The PS2 posters are all scans from FHM magazine...the Xbox Substance version has actual covers and such...including an FHM issue (I believe) that featured the Charlie's Angel's movie. ^_^
  7. DragonSlaveVivi

    DragonSlaveVivi New Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    I didnt know MGS2 was on XBOX, which gives me an idea for a new thread, thanx.
  8. psyeudkev

    psyeudkev New Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    The lady in the cam was sitting on a lounge chair, in some swimsuit (I think). She's just smiling, waving a bit, then the camera goes a bit closer, and more smiles.

    Amusing, nonetheless.
  9. Teddz

    Teddz Sexy Swedish Love ♥

    Dec 8, 2002
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    There are tones of Easter eggs on MGS2. Man in the water filled rooms where you have to swim, you could spot either a rubber ducky or an action figure of Raven.

    Anyways, I didn't find anything disturbing. Sure it's not normal, but as Izzyz0r said, it's a part of the story. Skip it if you hate it.

    - Teddz
  10. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
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    Apr 17, 2002
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    We should make a list of all the easter eggs in the game. Just for kicks. Because I'm in total agreement with Teddzy-bear on the magnitude of easter eggs. ^_^
  11. Dr. Nick Rivera

    Dr. Nick Rivera New Member

    Oct 5, 2002
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    If you stare at the Vulcan Raven doll in the beginning, and call Otacon, he will question your sexuality.

    And I think the most disturbing part of MGS2 was when you controlled naked Raiden. Those horrible....horrible flips....
  12. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
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    Apr 17, 2002
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    How was that horrible? Raiden didn't have any genitalia! ^_^

    What about the hostages in the second pillar? When you crouch under the tables directly across from the girl in the skirt and take a picture...Rose calls you. Then she gets mad because you're taking lude pictures during a mission. ^_^

    Then, there's the names. Jack and Rose. Titanic, anyone?

    Then there's the three Easter Island Statue heads you can find in the game. I've only found one though, when you have to guide the Nikita to free the president.
  13. Dr. Nick Rivera

    Dr. Nick Rivera New Member

    Oct 5, 2002
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    SO? It is still one of the most uncomfortable moments in my life.

    [Video of naked raiden

    There's a streaming video of Raiden somewhere on this page....I'm too lazy to find out. It's just too much for me.
  14. DragonSlaveVivi

    DragonSlaveVivi New Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Wow, scince this has kinda turned into a post about easter eggs, i might as well say some,

    how about when you knock on some of the girly posters or shoot to many birds they alert the guards!

    or in the tanker when you press the alternating screen remote until a girly video shows and gets you caught!

    but I have one final question that only real MGS junkies would know (or im just stupid! :sweat2: ) :

    HOW ARE THE PATRIOTS DEAD 100 YEARS AGO!?!?!?!? i just dont get it!
  15. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
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    Apr 17, 2002
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    They never explained that at all. That's why there's room for a sequel with Raiden's part in the story AND more for Snake.

    They could all just be figureheads. The masks of the people behind the power, and such. Or, they could be part of a cloning process, much like they did to extract Snake, Liquid, and Solidus as "perfect" soldiers.

    Also, some of those girly posters don't just ALERT guards. They blow up and take a chunk of your health, too!

    Oh, and when you're sniping on the bridge, protecting E.E....use the Sound...thingy and point it at the first pylon when Emma is behind it. You'll find Johnny. The all-too unpopular guard who has had the luck to run into Snake twice. Like, in MGS1, he's the guard that gets sick and has to run to the bathroom when Snake was trapped inside that room.
  16. Dr. Nick Rivera

    Dr. Nick Rivera New Member

    Oct 5, 2002
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    Curse you Izzy! You posted this before me! Anyway, use the directional mike(or however you spell it) when she's behind the second pylon when she's behind it, point it at Snake and he will show what goes on inside that head of his, and when you hear Ocelot and Solidus talking in in the hostage room, point the thing to the left to the bathroom and Johnny is there too! And, when you're told to defuse the bombs with the coolant, go to the strut that Snake is going to to see him in the box. Go on, shoot him.

    And yet another thing, if you take pictures of interesting things (the posters, the guy in his boxers), and upload them to Otacon, he will get a kick out of it. I still have more...I just forgot them. Gotta try and remember...
  17. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Keep taking pictures of the Commendant (the military leader in the Cargo Bay) and Otacon will question your sexuality.

    Shoot Snake with a PSG-1 round, and he'll shoot you back. In the final chapter, knock Snake out so you can obtain the "final" dogtag.

    Shoot E.E. with Tranq guns and call Otacon. =D

    Take pictures of E.E. and call him. =D

    Stare at her toobies and watch her blush under your gaze.

    Or, BETTER YET, try dragging her into the cockroaches. If that doesn't work...try getting her in a choke hold and drag her in. OR, throw a stun 'nade at her, THEN leave her there.

    In the first "chapter", keep calling Otacon-Save and say no. Doing so over 10 times will get Mei Li (from MGS1) into the conversation.

    In the room in the ship where you have to shoot the trigger devices with the USP, open the two lockers. You'll see a japanese guy about to grab a girl's chest.

    Go into a locker with a girly picture in it. Now, duck and press the first person mode, then call Otacon. You'll hear Snake kiss the picture, then he'll be panting oddly and staring at SOMETHING while Otacon berates you.

    Zoom in on Olga's armpit. There's hair there! =D
  18. Dr. Nick Rivera

    Dr. Nick Rivera New Member

    Oct 5, 2002
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    More Codec fun:

    Call from the womens bathroom in the plant to the Colonel.

    Call looking at the urinal(or whatever) in the mens bathroom(Colonel)

    Call Snake multiple times after you have to go defuse the bomb to learn how Vamp got his name....not cuz he's a vampire.

    Call the Colonel when the soldier....releaves...himself on your head.
  19. DragonSlaveVivi

    DragonSlaveVivi New Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    A couple of things.....

    It is not possible that The dead patriots was to leave room for a sequal for two reasons:
    1.) MGS:2 was supposed to be Hideo Kojimas last game, and it would of been if not for the fans complaints of not being able to play as snake
    2.)MGS:3 (coming out on the holidays of 2004) has a completley diffrent storyline that takes place in a diffrent time.

    And by the way Izzy, you said that calling Otacon and not saving over 10 times brought mei ling into the convo, I was not able to do this, however u must be right because her voice actor is in the ending credits. can u please help me do this?
  20. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    You have to refuse to save. I think. LOL. Been a while since I played just for the eggs. I'll edit this post if/when I find out what the circumstances are.

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