Movies metal gear

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by child of sin, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. child of sin

    child of sin ★★★★☆

    Aug 8, 2003
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    some one told me thr will be a "metal gear solid" film!? and tom cruise will do snake!! so..any info, link, dates?
  2. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    None whatesoever.

    I find that to be just a rumor, or a "it'd be cool if....". Never heard of any kind of film like that, nor of Tom Cruise ever agreeing to something like that. Can I ask just where exactly he/she got this from?

  3. Cherrygirl

    Cherrygirl Cherrylicious!

    Feb 6, 2005
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    that would be really cool if they made a mgs movie! i looove the games! though i dont think Tom Cruise would be a good Snake....if Alec Baldwin was younger id say hed be perfect for Snake...hes even got the raspy dont mess with me voice goin on!
  4. Dr. Nick Rivera

    Dr. Nick Rivera New Member

    Oct 5, 2002
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  5. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    IF there was a MGS movie, I'd rather have Christian Bale (The latest Batman) do Snake. He seems preety fit for the character.

    The only thing is that the voice on MGS3 doesn't actually fir with the guy, it's rather odd.

    But, it'd be really funny seeing the guys on the movies having exclamation points above their heads when they catch snake, or hear someone saying "Snake? Snaaaaaaaaaaaake!":p

  6. Teddz

    Teddz Sexy Swedish Love ♥

    Dec 8, 2002
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    A Metal Gear movie would never work, unless it's being produced and directed by the one and only Hideo Kojima.

    Basically game based movies tend to suck. Tomb Raider, Mario Bros, Mortal Combat and the so poorly made Street Fighter. Not to mention the movie Uwe Boll has made.

    *goes insane of the poorly made movies*

    - Teddz
  7. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    I saw that movie long time ago, and I was like "What the hell??!" :p

    It was not bad. I liked it ^^
  8. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    True. I'd get that game feeling going there, and give it more life.
    I think that the most decent one is Mortal Kombat 1. And only about the first two times when you watch it when it came out. Whoever dares to watch such movie with such graphics os somewhat brave!

    Nevertheless, I don't see this game as a movie, but rather as a game with a confusing camera. :p (Until of course, they finally made the new version!)


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