Current Affairs MJ Trial Starts Today

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kain, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    Micheal Jackson Trial Starts Today

    So the trial that some people are calling the trial of the centery is about to starts today. Theres a lot of people who are going to be watching this with keen interest and theres no dout that the media is going to be in for a feild day.
    Jackson is facing a number of charges including child molestion, attempted molestion, conspiracy to abduct a child, false imprisonment, extortion and administering alcohol to a miner, if hes found guilty on all charges then he faces a sentance of 74 years. The trial itself is expected to last sometime, perhaps up to around six months.

    Whats are your veiws on Jackson? I've heard many different opinions, some thingk hes guilty, some people think not guilty and others who think hes not guilty but has some serious mental issues.

    I've still to make up my mind on wether or not i think hes actually guilty or not, although there is quite some evidence to point towards that he is guilty. I think that his state of mind is a bit of a jumble and that would need somethings sorted out.
  2. Jedimdo

    Jedimdo New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    I can't say 'He's guilty' or 'He is not' since I haven't seen anything. I do really find disturbing that he sleeps with children in his house and he plays with them as a child. That's not good coming from an adult and I think he should not be allowed to do things like that. But I find disturbing too that parents accept money from him and then charging him again.
  3. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    Hes a bit sneaky, i'm sure if the parents knew that he was going to be sleeping in the same bed as them then they wouldn'd have let their children stay the night.
  4. Vicious

    Vicious Revolution...Revolucion!

    Apr 23, 2003
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    Dude is screwed in my opinion and thats all i can say...

    I still love his music though!
  5. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Personally, I've never cared one way or another about Micheal Jackson. I don't care for his music, and I don't care what he does. As long as he doesn't affect me personally, why should I?

    Although, with this accusation laid against him, even if he is not guilty, his reputation will be forever marred. Because, no matter how many judges say he isn't guilty, there will always be some people who believe he, in fact, was. Remember the OJ Simpson Trial? He got off, but 'everyone' 'knows' he was guilty. Nobody will ever trust him with anything again, right?

    The same will be true for Michael Jackson. Nobody will ever trust him around children, no matter how many times he is declared innocent.

    But, here I am talking about it like he already was declared innocent. I have no idea how things are going in court, and I can't tell what the outcome will be. (Jedimdo, I'm not going to be using telepathy to determine the facts, because... well, just imagine what MJ's mind would feel like. All slimy and gross... :eew: )

    I honestly wouldn't be surprised either way. I don't know if he did commit those crimes or not, although I am finding myself thinking that he probably did. But, regardless of the outcome, he should be treated like a human being, so, no death sentence or whatever. Because no matter how sick and twisted he is, he is still a human being.

    Anyway, I can't think of anything else to say, so I'll finish up. I don't care whether he is found guilty or no, so long as he gets what he deserves. (At the least, some strong counseling)

    Shinryu - Remember that episode of the Simpsons, where Homer met 'Michael Jackson' in a mental asylum? I'm thinking there's a possibility for the same thing to happen in real life.
  6. artemis836

    artemis836 Vampire Slayer

    Sep 1, 2002
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    Agreed. No matter how vile a person may seem we still have no right to kill them off. I never understood the point of the death penalty anyway, I mean we already have them locked up right? Whats killing them going to do.

    Though I think it will be a moot point, knowing the way celebrity trials go he'll get off with some community service and a big fine.

  7. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    I'm not so sure about this one, just call it a gut feeling but i think that he won't be getting out of this one (if hes found guilty) with just some fine. As i've said before, he is facing some serious jail time for this. And if he is found guilty then i thik that he should be sent to jail, and not be leanent on him just cause hes a celebrity. It should be shown that celebrities are not above the law and if found guilty should go to jail for their crimes like any other human being.
  8. Nightmare

    Nightmare Chaos Rules

    Feb 21, 2005
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    well not to but in on this but the fact that he is a celebrity will make him more open to the trial room and effect the decision greatly upon the jury by the media
  9. Swallow Jinpei

    Swallow Jinpei New Member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    He`s going to jail, that`s if he doesn`t kill himself first.
  10. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    Now thats something a bit mean to say. No doubt he's probably going to be tried guilty, but thats no reason to commit suicide for him.
    He does have a neat little record with these cases, but i dont know if he's pulling out of this one.

  11. Feena

    Feena New Member

    May 30, 2004
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    He's quite clearly not well in the head, and although being so famous can bring on all sorts of nasty rumours and such, he brought that Bashir interview upon himself. Who knows, he might have done it or he might not have - he hung a kid out of a window, I am ready to believe that he might molest them =/ . All I know is I'm fed up of hearing about his alleged kiddy-fiddling and his purchased face.
    1 person likes this.
  12. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    I'll have to agree with that. Overly agree. Seriously...something's wrong with the poor guy. Maybe jail wont help him....wait....was it ever going to?

  13. Saikira

    Saikira New Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    I don't know what to think about Michael Jackson... I mean, come on. The dude showed up to court late and in his PAJAMAS. Now I'm just a senior in high school...but I think he's got problems jail time won't fix. He needs a straight jacket and a padded room. (Although, he may have fun bouncing off the walls of the padded room.)
  14. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Lets all cheer when he's put away. Yaay for jail time!
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  15. Nightmare

    Nightmare Chaos Rules

    Feb 21, 2005
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    I say this if you show up in pajamas in court when its being broadcasted all over the world you definitly have some problems in the head that prison would make worse and that a padded room won't help
  16. KaYasha

    KaYasha I'm Boelak Yrubron

    Jul 29, 2004
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    I don't know if he did do it or not. For me it is hard to say. He was been trialed for this once and now again. That can go both ways, one way that the people just want money or that he really did do it. I do agree that he probably is a little messed up in the head. When watching the inter view on him, they said, that he would probably kill him self.

    I think if he is found guilty and is sent to prison he would probably be killed in prison, for doing what he did ( if that is what he did do.) It is a little odd for a grown man to share his bed with children though, doesn't he have more than one bedroom in his house?!

    What he needs is to be looked over for any mental problems he may have. Showing up in court in Pj's could be a sign. Maybe he wants people to think he is crazy? I guess we won't know for sure until it is all over.
  17. Saikira

    Saikira New Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    If he's trying to make people think he's crazy, he's doing a pretty good job.
  18. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    i think he's guilty. no, wait. i "know" he's guilty. he's not only done this more than once, but has been alleged than more than 12 people. i live in texas. now i dont think the death penalty is such a bad thing. but lets face it, other states are taking there's out, we're putting in an express lane(koodos to ron white). but send him down here and i promise you wont have to worry about him touching anymore little boys. he'll go down hard and fast. i know a girl who says he innocent. has she ever watched the news. i told her exactly, "there's about a couple 100 million people that have to disagree with you or about 3/4 of america" she still stuch with her belief. someone needs to show her the channel for fox. anyways, he's guilty, case closed.

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