Mother Brown??

Discussion in 'Tomita' started by digiboy at, Apr 22, 2000.

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  1. Isao Tomita Mailing List -

    >Maybe 'Knees Up Mother Brown' (you have to
    >be English to get that! :)

    What is that? I have heard that somewhere on an album, probably a British
    band (Beatles?), where someone sings that line over and over at the end of
    another song. Always wondered what the hell it was.

    Mike Berman
    digiboy at

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  2. Isao Tomita Mailing List -

    Well, 'Knees Up Mother Brown' is a popular singalong song in the public
    houses (pubs) of South and East (especially East) London. It's a bawdy (and
    quite possibly lewd and crude) song, intended to be sung around a pub piano
    when everyone's having a merry old time (i.e. pissed). This is in the days
    before the jukebox and karaoke and all that jazz of course. The song
    itself is full of Cockney Rhyming Slang, as example of which is 'apples and
    pears'; 'apples and pears' translates as 'hairs' (or more simply 'hair') in

    I'm sure a web search of ''Knees Up Mother Brown' and 'Cockney Rhyming
    Slang' would yeild some more interesting and lucid comments than mine ;-)


    >>Maybe 'Knees Up Mother Brown' (you have to
    >>be English to get that! :)
    >What is that? I have heard that somewhere on an album, probably a British
    >band (Beatles?), where someone sings that line over and over at the end of
    >another song. Always wondered what the hell it was.
    >Mike Berman
    >digiboy at

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