musical technologies; sample, analog, acoustic,digital etc..

Discussion in 'Tomita' started by ndkent at, Aug 9, 2003.

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  1. >
    > I'm surprised to read it is Tomita's own voice in "Venus". It sounds like a woman voice ! But I must admit I never heared Tomita
    > speaking. And in "Bermuda", the piece "Vocoder" is only made of electronic "whispers". So, difficult to make one's idea about it...

    As he didn't explain the processing he did, he could very well have used
    an envalope follower on his own voice to shape another source. Clearly
    what he does have is something processed by several things.that was at
    least shaped by his own voice. Also thinking, it could be recorded at
    half speed. What is clear is it's not a vocoder.

    semi off topic:
    then again I've been listening to Susumu Hirasawa's albums for several
    years and he surprised everyone with falsetto vocals all of a sudden a
    couple years ago. Listen about half way into "sample-2"
    He'll probably be pretty well known once Dreamworks releases the highly
    acclaimed anime "Millennium Actress" outside Japan, a really fine score.

    And on the whole sampling discussion it's key to know that as of the
    late 90s, if not earlier Tomita has been admitting himself that the Moog
    sounds better as a means of sound creation than digital synthesizers.
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