Never show emotions; stop me now. [Rant]

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by Chance, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Is it just me, or has it become more evident as you get older that noone really means what they say. Not in the emo sense that they say 'i love you' but don't.. More like, they say one thing but only to fit in?

    I hate those people, the ones that jump on the band wagon just for their friends. Like, my friends love tons of things I have no intrest in. *cough* WoW *cough*

    I wouldn't change myself just to share another common intrest with them. Makes no sense to do so. I mean, if they liked you before the change, why would changing help you? It wouldn't in my opinion.

    Better yet is this new fad that it's weird to show emotion in front of friends and family. Gotta be tough, don't cry..

    What the hell?

    Are they not the people that you put the most trust into? So wouldn't it make sense that out of everyone on earth, it's them you show how you feel to? It's them that get to see just how hurt or angry or happy or whatever you are at the time, and to me, that's how it should be.

    Keeping things locked inside is hard to do because you mostly just have alot of people who blab the fact they're hurt for attention. Then you have the people who just act happy 24/7 until they finally snap. Snapping is so bad..

    I've gotten to the breaking point before and all I can say about it is, it hurts. Emotionally, phsically, mentally.. Just one giant pain that seems to wrack your body until it is completely ready to heal. They say you choose when you can heal, but I'm not so sure this is true.

    Healing, honestly, is something that comes in time on its own. No way to plan it, or to speed up the process..

    Ok, I suppose my rant is done for now. Ciao all, it's been real.

    -Chance, kat, TK, whatever.
  2. furryb

    furryb Blind guy drawing...

    Aug 3, 2003
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    I prefer drinking buddies.

    There are families that are more open with emotions out there. They just seem to be other people's family far far away more often than not.

    Can't say I've had too many close family members or friends I've been willing to open up to. In an odd way, family and friends can just as easily be your worst enemies. Show a little weakness and they'll tear an emotional and/or physical hole through you in a heartbeat. Hell it's easier to open up to a complete stranger than to talk with some of the nutjobs I know. I do have one or two friends I can open up to, though; usually after a few drinks.
  3. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Yay for Drinking Buddies

    A new thing? Kat, people have been on that tough guy shtick for years and years. It's not a new thing at all. It's just something that most people grow out of as they grow up. Todays generation is just like the 90's, and the 80's all the way back to the fifties and before even that. we just have more drugs and claim to be more "P.C." than previous generations. We're more inclined to harp about self-esteem than in the past and as a result a new line of thinking (harmful imo) is being developed that people don't fall into generalizations and that outspoken and emotional, especially in boys, is Ok.

    While that might be true (give or take), it's also led to an increase in feminism, racism, elitism and portraying the false sense that "Every one is special and we're all winners". Such is simply not the case. Not everyone is special and not everyone 'wins'. People are brought up thinking that everything will turn out ok because everyone is a special winner inside, and when it doesn't happen they are at a loss at what to do. The real world is rather harsh and people today aren't brought up to deal with that process, thus 'healing' is much more difficult. The only way to cope is to realize that real life is chance and happenstance, and that the ball rarely ever rolls in your favor. You just have to accept the negatives and work towards better things. No one is special, least of all yourself- That is a tough lesson in of itself. Healing is the amount of time and thought you put into trying to figure out what went wrong and how you can prevent that from happening again.

    Let it go when you have and put on a tough face when you need to. Too many tears leaves you vulnerable to exploitation and you become like the kids now-a-days who bathe in all that self-esteem garbage (no one's a failure; everyone wins): they're soft against the harder things in life, and crumble under true pressure. Not enough tears when it counts will make you hard and callous and bottle it all up inside. You break down and explode. You end up losing a very important part of you.

    And that's all I got tonight.

  4. Chance

    Chance Admitted Pokemon Fan.

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Wert, stop being smart.

    Just let me rant. xD lol, I know that crying too much is the root of all evil and that we're all bitches on the inside - but - let me rant.
  5. Chane

    Chane Audience of One

    Nov 28, 2005
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    I just want to say I love you. *heart*

    Or.. something. I don't know. :D
  6. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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