Neon Genesis Evangelion Okay! Someone explain this, cause I don't get it...

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by BakaMattSu, May 3, 2001.

  1. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Okay, I just recently hit the end of the Eva tv series, and the last two episodes totally made me lost...(Like I wasn't already missing everything up to then...)

    Could someone try and explain to poor Baka me just what the heck the instrumentality project was, is, or was supposed to be? And hopefully, as well, what the point of the final two eps was?

    BakaMattSu, once got lost in his own museum...Wait a sec, when did he get one of those?
  2. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    I beleive part of your answer is found in the 6th post by Shinji in the topic named 'Hooked'.

    Seraphim..who loves that funny museum curator in the Indiana Jones trilogy...esp.Last Crusade.
  3. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    That post does explain things pretty ok, but to satisfy my own type-lust, here are some jumbled thoughts.
    The last two episodes happened because: Originally the last two eps were going to be what we now have (in impreoved form) in the movie, but some tv exec filpped and decided that it wasn't suitable, so Gainax hurriedly threw together 25 and 26 as we now have them.

    Intrumentality: think buddhism, or other eastern religions. The objective was to free everyone from their bodies, and from the restrictions of the AT field, which kept people isolated, by keeping others at bay. The AT field prevented people from getting close to one another. By removing this barrier, all were to in a sense become one, loneliness etc would disappear.

    Ep 25 and 26 remain confusing, some look at them as a parallel version of what happened in the movie, an altiverse if you will. Others see it as what was going on in Shinji's mind during the events of the movie. Watch it. It won't really help, but hey. By the movie, I mean End of Eva. Death and rebirth was just a recap of the series + the first half of End of, nothing new really. worth watching too, I guess, for the music if nothing else
    Expert of (in?) my own mind
  4. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Okay, that's much better!

    (I had read Shinji's post quite a bit ago - before I even saw Eva, so I hadn't really soaked in any of it, but this time around, it was real useful...)

    The prospect that 25 and 26 weren't the intended 'last' episodes relieves me, since I thought I was maybe going nuts thinking they didn't seem worthy enough for Eva...although in a wierd sort of way, I would've accepted things if they ended at the "parallel universe" storyline...I liked that part, at least...I was at first thinking that "Death and Rebirth" would explain the whole spiel, but I saw for myself it was just a big re-run...Gotta get me End of Eva, I s'pose...

    As for MamiyaOtaru's take on Instrumentality:
    You're saying it's like attaining spiritual bliss, like a heaven or nirvana, correct? In that thinking, it seems kind of plausible...and the AT fields would be like the desires that keep us away from attaining this ascension?

    BakaMattSu, beginning to sound like some kind of philosopher...
  5. MamiyaOtaru

    MamiyaOtaru President Bushman

    Feb 14, 2001
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    Selfish desires, sure!

    The desire to remain an individual involves keeping others away from you. You need a barrier between the self and others to remain individual, instrumentality was supposed to overcome these barriers. The result would look a lot like Brahman-Atman, the world soul. The AT field is the barrier. Some term from psychology

    The whole individuality thing and its related pain can be seen in Shinji and his hedgehog's dilemna, not wanting to get close, or risk being hurt.

    Watch End Of, I don't want to inadvertently throw out any spoilers. You should see a physical effect of the AT field as well, and a physical effect from its removal
    *wonders if this is why he's dateless (that's Moteuchi!)

    [This message has been edited by MamiyaOtaru (edited May 04, 2001).]
  6. IDAVE

    IDAVE New Member

    Apr 6, 2001
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    Bakamattsu if you saw the death and rebirth
    movie that came from me then you only saw death cause my source didnt know death and rebirth were seperate movies

    ~IDAVE~ Not too sure here but im told they are seperate movies or two halves or something.

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