Discussion in 'Blogs' started by imported_Nightmare, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. I hate it when people assume. I remember a movie that mentioned that assumption is the mother of all fuck ups well IT IS and listen TO THE FUCKEN ADVICE YOU BALLLICKERS. My school is more of a child day care then a learning facility students do mostly what they want and don't care. There are people complainging that now you HAVE to have a reason to drop out of high school and by Manuel standards if you want to drop out your pretty damn pathatic. I mean some of this stuff 3rd graders can do and i see people that are in 10th that are FAILING this when all it takes is some hard work and focus. WTH what happened to the american pride that we used to have that when we as youth would put EFFORT in work instead of bitch and moan. Granted thier are some circumstances but still the decaying "pride" of America is most bewildering to me. People in my school make me sick with thier assumption on things that are said more ready to jump on to a conclustion then into a fight then actually stand and listen and think of what to say or to why they said it. I mean it's fucken bullshit how people are like this. Basically i'm more pissed because my 3rd teacher who I respected (note RESPECTED) assumed that I was a racist from one comment i repeated and not directly said nor meant nor cared about. After a movie on friday that was about a slave ship the armastad (can't really remember the ships name but it was the movie's name as well) they were throwing slaves over board to lighten the load. Well when we was leaving from that class they was all sinking and crap dieing someone said Wow look thier are hershy kisses going down the toilet. I thought of it as a lil humours true that I respect people and don't think slavery is right but still it had humour I chuckled and repeated it to some of what I THOUGHT were friends and I found it humours they didn't. Infact they decided to tell Mrs. Day and when I got to school on Tuesday TODAY that FUCKING WOMEN (I will remain from swearing or calling or something other then her name..for now) Decided to confront me in front of the whole FUCKING class and be as loud as she fucking could about what I SAID and told me that I was going around ALL DAY saying hershy kisses down the toilet to people. She said she doesn't tolerate that shit and that I was going to apolagize. Now when we was about to start class she said she had a few announcements to make then INSTANTLY GLARED at me and said Kevin you have anything you want to say I decided to go on and apolagize which was abosoulte bullshit and I'll tell you why cause you know what you wasn't thier you have no fucking right to tell me to apolgize for something that I DON"T GIVE A RATS ASS about and confront me infront of the whole fucking class about it. NO. THE REASON I"M SO DAMN PISSED ABOUT IT IS BECAUSE SHE TALKED DOWN TO ME AND DISRESPECTED ME WHEN I DIDN"T DO IT TO HER. THIS kind of malfuctioning aristcratic bullshit is what makes me want to blow up. (I fucking HATE apolagizing for such mediocre things and petty ways how people FEEL)

    I'll make another journal entry hopefully when i'm in a more better mood later.

    For now Goodbye
  2. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
    Likes Received:
    No offense but...

    mind splitting your rants with paragraphs? They're too hard to read :(

    Thanks! :)
  3. Ashika

    Ashika This thing is so short...

    Feb 5, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Wow. My feelings. You explained them. I never can. I need to go think... uh....bye
  4. I'll try to remember that next time luvweaver lol sorry
  5. wertitis

    wertitis Proud Mary keep on burnin'

    Oct 18, 2004
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    SO... you were complaining about loss of pride ya dee ya and the first chance you had to stand up against the man and tell her that you're not going to play her game because she made a series of bad assumptions you choked and went along with it anyway?

    I'm not going to rant myself, I'm just going to say the Movie's name was "Amistad" (It's actually a good movie, that was Anthony Hopkins if I'm remembering correctly, right?).

  6. yea it was a decent movie i missed the ending of the movie because I didn't go to school that day. I think about it now it's not that BIG of a idea course when yoru mad as hell then it does seem well.

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