Online relationships...

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by Basher, Jul 15, 2006.

  1. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    As of late I have been thinking about online relationships. Probably because they have been springing up so god damn much.

    I just don't see sometimes how it is possible. With the actually relationship part. Not with friends. I have met many great friends that I would never want to lose.

    I could see with meeting the person but other then that it puzzles me.

    There are plenty of dating services where people meet each other. My friend did one. She is married now. Met my son's father threw her husband. I hate them with a passion.

    I guess I am old fashion. I like to be date by seeing the person and then see what goes from there. Probably due from experiences.

    To me you can't get the whole picture or know what a person is like via PM, IM, pics, or even the telephone.

    Is your heart so fickle?

    I could see it develop into love SLOWLY. Not the big old one week of talking. "I LOVE YOU."

    Give it a break. Next week someone who you know may pop into your life leaving behind the person you like online in the dust.

    Plus there is a chance they could be lying to you.

    There was a point where I swore off love via relationships. Saying I wasn't meant to love. Maybe that is a factor in why I find online relationships a little hard to handle.

    But I am to damn hot to swear off love I guess. It lasted for like a month.

    The women who look good still have problems. It like men have the habit of wanting to tap that and not caring about her. She knows it but she doesn’t want to be alone even if it meant sleeping with a man she wanted to love and she knew he would never love her. Maybe that is why she finally has the courage to swear off love.

    Or she is afraid. So afraid that ever now and then a small part of her eyes start to cloud over with tears. For she has already been hurt once and that tare can never be healed. A hidden scar. To completely give her self is to big of a risk. Because she walks along the edge. Ready to fall off at any time.

    Anyway I was talking about online relationships. They have always puzzled me.

    Can they really work?

    As I said I can see meeting the person. But still what if your feelings change.

    Relationship can be complex as it is. Why let the internet expanded on it?

    This girl sticks to flesh and blood with in a few miles shoot. ;)
  2. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    It's about trust and feelings

    As you've met friends online, it could happen that one of these friends starts feeling safe with you.

    It doesn't matter whether the relationship is virtual or "real". There are "real" relationships much more hollow than a virtual one. Want to know why? Because people don't open themselves to others. One reason why I love the internet is that you can know much more of a person than their daily habits - you can know their feelings, their hopes, their fantasies, fears, their dreams, their passion, their suffering.

    There is so much about a human being than just his body. If we let ourselves be open enough (and the internet is a great medium for that), you can discover the "prince inside a toad", so to speak.

    Of course, webcams help improve the authenticity a lot - I'm glad for that, too. This way you can be sure that a person is whom you think he/she is.

    The human mind is also incredibly adaptable. An icon that resembles a hug can have the same psychological impact than a real hug. I know it because I've experienced it. The brain works this way: It reads an input, and processes it to gather information. It doesn't matter whether the input is physical contact or a smiley in a window, or the word *hug*. You gradually learn that they mean the same thing.

    It works both ways, too. The words "I love you" have become so common that they've lost their meaning. 200 years ago, "I love you" could mean a commitment for life. Now it's just become something as trivial as "yeah I love you there ya go, now will you wash the dishes yes or no?"

    See, a relationship (virtual or not) it's all about whom you trust and how much you trust him/her. Because you CAN fall in love through the internet (been there, done that). Because you communicate with a person, and that's what counts.

    The real problem is that we end up depending on artificial means for communication - means that could be disconnected at any time. These are the complexities of online relationships - but think about this. Are online relationships the REAL problem, or just a symptom of the disintegration of our society?

    People don't live together anymore. They live isolated. We don't know our neighbors, we are walking in cities surrounded by millions of strangers. What happened to family meetings, where you met new friends? What happened to big families? Most families today have at most one or two children - these children grow, and suddenly their children don't have uncles, aunts or cousins. Families are becoming atomic and isolated (And don't get me started on divorce).

    The lonely teenager seeks company. And finds it in the internet (this is the reason why myspace is becoming so popular).

    Do I think that having e-relationships is a good idea? No, I don't. But sometimes an incomplete relationship is better than nothing.

    Yes, it's a sad world we live in.
  3. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Isn't it when there is an incomplete relationship worse?

    Like with myspace and the young girls who have gotten sexually assaulted.

    Whatever happened to not trusting strangers?

    Now we have the internet that allows strangers to parade in our kitchen.

    Don't get me wrong I like the internet. But with killers, rapers, murders, and etc out there why would you let them get to know you online when you wouldn't in RL?

    Kids today are just getting more and more messed up.
  4. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    You don't consider me a rapist...

    for some reason this isn't posting my whole comment.

    I know this entry is old but I saw it and couldn't help myself. -_-

    You know me and you don't consider me a rapist or a murder, do you? >.> <.<(Murders and killers are the same thing -_-) but I do understand the point your trying to make.

    but thats how it starts people get to know a person and decided they like them.

    Even if I did like some people, I've known Gen and Nightmare for over a year and sure in the begining i didn't trust Gen or Nightmare as far as i could physically throw them, but hey i would still be willing to meet them oneday.
  5. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Bah, you are in exception. I have known your about three years. :p
  6. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    I'll get you one day...

    I'll get you one day... *crazed look*
  7. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    My comp is down. I am on the laptop. This weekend at night I think I will turn on MSN.

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