Operation: Get Mo Money

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by Kain, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    I really, REALLY need to get myself a second job, ok sure i have i nice little cozy job that most people would kill to get their hands on (infact my cousin said that he'd wear a dress if it would help him ghet the job), the pay is very nice espesally when i only do 3 1/2 hours a week. But it's not enough. I'm not tring to be greedy, oh no, i wouldn't be bothered with getting a second job if i didn't have a reason for not needing more money. The reason: Next summer i want to go away and work for the summer. I'm tired of hanging around the same place all the time. Don't get me wrong i like this country, but when your interested in traveling around to see other parts of the world then you just get fed up with the same old summer routine. Like last year by the end of the summer holidays i was bored out of my mind and all i wanted to do was to go back to college. And i really don't want to go through that again. I'm hoping i can go to Australia, cause i've always wanted to go there, ever since i was about 12. I have the money to afford the flights over, but i really want to have a good lump sum of money just as a safty net. I think i was told that you need to have at least $2000 when you get into the country, but i think i'd rather have a bit more just to be on the safe side. If i can get a good job this side of christmas then i should have enough.
    The next obstical would have to be my parents. They think it's a bad idea if i go on my own, and that i should bring a friend with me. However none of my friend, either in college or the ones in Dublin, have enough money, and if i'm not allowed go unless i have a friend with me then i'll never be able to go. Thankfully they saw this as a good point, but they still don't think it's a good idea if i go on my own. Nest thing i should tell them is were i want to go. I have a feeling that they thing i'm going to be going to New York or somewhere in America cause it's closer, and i have an aunt and uncle living there. Don't know if they'll like knowing i'm going to the other side of the world.
    So previded i get the money and ignore my parents plea's to go with a friend and not to Australia, all i have to do is pass my exams, cause i really don'[t want to have to come home early to study for my repeats. And i even more don't really want to repeat first year for a seond time.


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