Debate Paranormal Phanomanan

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jaken, Aug 10, 2003.

  1. Jaken

    Jaken Coin Locker Baby

    May 13, 2003
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    Paranormal. . .the unknown. MAny people debate apon the subject of paranormal happenings. Such as ghosts, wiches, alien, etc. i beleve that these things are real.

    Witches for instance have been a part of our society for many years, along with ghosts or spirits. Some of these even take part in some religions. The salom which trials, stories of sorcerers in asia, creatures that exsited at one time, all of these have been known all over the world for as long as anyone can remember. How can such things be a myth if it has been around for so long, forever even?

    Then aliens. . .. . .the government clearly hides them. . . what more do you need as proof? I just want to know what the magority of people think about this subject, and not just on the three examples that i gave. Do you think that the paranormal is real?

    "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE" X-files:rolleyes:
  2. Dredz

    Dredz Clown With A Frown

    Jul 4, 2002
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    "The government hides them, therefore they are real"

  3. Mad_Hamish

    Mad_Hamish New Member

    May 14, 2002
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    Although I am very interested in the subject. I think it's a load of rubbish.

    Halucinations, hoexes and the mind seeing what it want to.

    The human brain can do a whole manner of crap that scientists are just discovering and tha most people don't know. And we really don't know any thing about the brains full capabilities.
    i.e. did you know that low frequency soundwaves can people the feeling that they are being watched or that there is a presence in the room. They can also cause halucinations and seeing thing in the corner of you eye. Electromagnetic fields also do something similer and can trigger a very intense and sometimes disturbing experience.

    Just think of all the other evironmental occurances that could effect our brain and cause all sorts of weird things. I don't think anyone can even imagine what our brains can do and make us see.

    As for aliens. Well I believe in them because I see it as statisticly impossible(edit: okay not impossible, but un likely) for them not to exist. Whether they visited earth or not? I really don't know. Some stories and sightings are awfully convincing, but you have to look at these things sceptically.
  4. Ark

    Ark Praise Judas!

    Jan 11, 2003
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    Aliens pretty much have to, statistically, exist, somewhere. The universe is too freaking huge to have only one sentient species in it.

    However, there's almost zero chance that said aliens have come to earth. UFOs, etc, are BS.

    - Ark
  5. Osaka

    Osaka New Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    Ghosts? Naw I don't belive in them. Just like Witches they have never been proven to be real.

    As for aliens, I think its very possible that they are real. After all, that's alot of space, for something to not be out there. Also we haven't exacting explored all the planets, so there could be another life inhabioting planet in another galaxy.

    And as for them not contacting earth, as someone once said:

    "I think the most surest sign there is intelligent life out there, is that none of it has tried to contact earth."
  6. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    And I think the surest sign that there has to be intelligent life out there is that there's none here ON Earth. :p

    I'm gullible and paranoid. I believe in ghosts, zombies, witches, vampires, werewolves, all of that junk. Can't help it, with my imagination, no matter how hard I tell myself that things don't exist. Of course, I believe in these things more out of fear than anything. I dunno maybe I'm just a scaredy-cat. :p Though that's the main reason I'm afraid of the dark, heh.
  7. VM1070

    VM1070 Let's Go Voltron Force

    Oct 4, 2002
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    We it be safe to ASSUME that we are not the only life-forms in the universe?? I think we would have to be very arogant to say otherwise.

    And about THEM not visiting Earth. I think there is some evidence to prove that. Area 51 ????

    I know from personal experience that the military can be hard asses about their rules. But they never shoot first and ask questions later when it comes to bases in the US. And that is what is on the perimeter fences of Area 51: "All tresspassers will be shot on sight."

    There is some freaking things going on at this facility. Not even the workers are allowed to venture out of the military's watchful eye.

    Sure, there is the rumors of the famous crashed UFO and the remains of the crew of said craft. We have no real idea whether or not there is some secret research project going on in the desert.

    Then there are the Crop Cravings. How these designs just appear over night and how precise they are makes it a little hard to believe any of us made them.

    How about the Great Pyramids. These mammoth structures are an incredible work of art. There have been many theories as to the way they were built, but they do seem a little to perfect for such a time period.

    For all you Sci-Fi fans out there---just think about the idea behind Stargate SG-1. Who really knows any answers.

    Be gentle on me fellow debaters,

  8. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    i do believe area 51 was an underground nuclear weapon testing facility. thus is why no one lives near it nor are they allowed to. thus the secrecy around. also the time of it being under heavy use was during a time when testing above ground was not approved by any country. i don't know if it is or not again...
    i have an easier time believeing it's some horrible secret weapons center than an alien testing ground.
    besides, if aliens have visited, they aren't that bright. i mean, why go to a planet and take some redneck with a shotgun? i think it's just their way of saying someone put it in their pooper and still save their manlyness or something.
    "castrate them, fix their teeth, and send 'em on their way. a kinda, "Clean Up the Universe" pact..."--Bill Hicks(please hunt his stuff down for good views on almost anything...unless you like limbauw or however the man's name is. or bush. any of them.)
    ghosts...not sure on ghosts...i see enough things that aren't although, i do kinda believe in them. well, ok, i love the pictures and the vocal recordings are creepy as hell lol
    witchs are just herbalists who really believe in what they do and in nature. tho, you DO get the creepy people who think they can do things to people with magic(a cousin of mine swore he cursed 2 people to hit lightpoles...i don't ask. he's better now lol)
    but, these are just my beliefs.
  9. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Re: Assumption!!!!!

    The world may never know. Whatever's in there, we can almost be sure it isn't legit. Hmm, maybe Bush should've looked in his own backyard for Weapons of Mass Destruction? :p

    Because of the strange shapes and precision involved, I think crop circles are just some strange occurance of nature that we just haven't figured out yet.

    Lister: What makes you think these aliens exist?
    Rimmer: They must do, Lister! There's so many things that are strange and odd. So many things we don't have any explanation for.
    Lister: Like, um, why do intelligent people buy cinema hot dogs? Do you mean that sort of weird and mysterious thing?
    Rimmer: No, Lister, I mean like the pyramids. How did they move such massive pieces of stone without the aid of modern technology?
    Lister: They had massive whips, Rimmer. Massive, massive whips.
  10. VM1070

    VM1070 Let's Go Voltron Force

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Re: Re: Assumption!!!!!

    I know this may be considered spam, but I had to say--BRAVO, this last posts actually made me chuckle Baka.

  11. ~ Zack ~

    ~ Zack ~ Guest

    Me and my friend were talking about Aliens and actually time travel in work today and he came up with an interesting theory; All the UFOs and such that are seen are really time machines, the aliens (pilots) being us. He thinks that perhaps that towards the future, we concentrate mainly on our intellect and technology and it comes to the point in which we don't even use our physical bodies (IE the small, alien bodies). Due to the growing intellect and knowledge of technology, our heads grow in size. I forgot his explanation for the eyes and I think the tint in skin is adaption and evolution to radiation and the likes. Of course, no solid proof which seems to be what a lot of you are looking for, but I still think it's an interesting theory.

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