Video Games Phantom Dust

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Kamui, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. Kamui

    Kamui X//1999... best anime eva

    Mar 30, 2003
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    Has anyone else seen previews for or herd anything about this game?

    Its an action/adventure game in a post apocolyptic world. As far as i understand, your character will have magical powers which i think include the elements.

    This will be a game for XboX only.

    Anyone else herd of this?
  2. The_Stranger

    The_Stranger New Member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    I've not only heard of it. I've seen about a dozen screenshots of it. Looks pretty cool, but what the preview said, it seems to be more of an online deathmatch arena type game. Like Tribes. Thats unfortunate, cause I was looking forward to a game with a good single-player and storyline behind it.
  3. TruDestinyBreak

    TruDestinyBreak New Member

    Jan 17, 2004
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    No, Phantom Dust's single player mode is said to have hundreds of missions. I remember reading that the story will have one of those Big-O type stories, where no one remembers the cause of the total destruction of the world, and thus the story will be revealed throughout the single player campaign. I personally cant wait for it. It, along with Fable and True Fantasy Live Online, are my top three most anticipated games coming out in '04.

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