Possible to get Gatchaman uncensored in Europe?

Discussion in 'Gatchaman' started by Kyosama, Feb 22, 2004.

  1. Kyosama

    Kyosama New Member

    Jan 2, 2004
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    Do any European distributors do Gatchman uncensored?
  2. Elvin Ruler

    Elvin Ruler New Member

    Jun 6, 2002
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    As far as I know, the only version Europe is getting right now is BotP with quite a few episodes per dvd. US gets two BotP episodes and two subbed Gatch episodes per dvd, though production seems to have slowed quite a bit. The only way I know of to get the entire collection of Gatchaman is through Japan. However, they're not available subtitled. *sigh* Right now, there is no uncensored dub. Hopefully someday someone will release the entire series of Gatch subtitled. Right now, though, I'm waiting to see how the new series comes out. With luck, it will be the most fantastic interpretation ever (whoo!).

    Hope this helps,
  3. Meridian

    Meridian New Member

    Mar 28, 2001
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    I know there's an italian subtitled version of the OAV, and France has had its own releases of La Bataille des Planetes and La Patrouille des Aigles, but as for straight Gatchaman I don't know.

    Otaku used to sell the official Tatsunoko DVDs, I know there are some current japanese Gatchaman DVDs out which contain selected episodes and they might be stocking those. There's also a place in Italy where you might be able to get them, not sure what it's called but if you check the merchandise page on www2.angulang.org.uk I think they're still listed.

    Then there are those sets of Hong Kong bootlegs with subtitles made up of english words. Although the words are not necessarily assembled in a way that makes sense, they're still better than nothing. They're easy to get through Ebay or other distributors, but I'm not sure whether you'd be able to buy them from any stores within europe. However, the Rhino ones are better quality both in terms of visuals and sound, and the subtitles are well written and easy to understand. Whether Rhino will do the whole series is anybody's guess, but they're worth the extra money because they're just a better product.

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