proud of myself

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by me_dreaming_zzz, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. me_dreaming_zzz

    me_dreaming_zzz ¯\(º_o)/¯

    Nov 6, 2003
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    ok, today ive done my first page for manga project. am so excited!!!!!! go meeeee! took me around 1.5 hours to finish a page(when it takes a professional mangaka Akira Toriyama to finish a page in 30 min). i have to work on my speed:( i used to attend art class at high school, but after i graduated i havent drawn anything in 2 years.... so its my first proper drawing in two years and my first manga drawing. so, if anyone of u ever gets to see my work, please dont judge it too harshly *bows*.

    ok, now about how my day went...
    woke up at 11.30am. could of sleep longer, but some idiot from outside started yelling "Rachel, let me in! I love you!" over and over(i have no idea who the Rachel is by the way). Ofcourse i got angry at the yelling freak and decided to tell him to Shut up. As i looked out of the window i discovered that the idiot is a really cute guy, so i decided to help him. So, i yelled as loud as i could "Rachel, let him in! he is cute, and he loves you!" the guys face went really pink(not to mention he was already sunburnt). And i realized that i said aloud that he is cute. OMG!

    Ok, took me abot two hours to get over of what happened in the morning, yes i am sensitive, as sensitive as a young artist can get.So, i decided that maybe some drawing will help me to calm my nerves, and so i started(finally) my first page of manga!

    After 30 min of drawing, i realized that im hungry, so i decided to go to sushi train for my breakfast+lunch=brunch? Ever heard of pineapple sushi? eeewww... yep, they make them in australia and i havent tried them and dont want to try.

    After lunch i received an SMS from my friend asking me to come to her place. My friends name is ****, she is from Nepal and she is the best cook!

    I returned from my friends house at 8.30 and continued to draw while watching tv.

    OK...some questions that been hauning me since brunch XD:

    Why did i yelled out that a guy was cute?
    Why dont we have a law prohibiting pineapple sushi?
    Why does every japanese girl in the neighbourhood owns a Louis Vuitton bag?
    Why dont i own one?(Life is unfair...)

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