Video Games PSP vs. DS/DSL

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Seishin, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    So, it's been over a year since the PSP's launch, so it's safe to say now that you can simply go to a store, and think of either portable system that you want, and be able to get it.

    In short, the Portables war starts now.

    So, which one is better?

    The PSP, packing amazing graphics, a big (file wise) UMD, or that beautiful 16:9 screen.

    The DS, packing all those games that you want, the microphone, Wi-Fi play, two screens, touch screen, etc etc.

    MY pick, the DS, or to say it better, the DS Lite.

    It's small, sleek, beautiful, bright (in any sense possible), and has the longest battery life on any portable system. The library of games is amazing, fun for as long as you can play.

    There's also been talk that PSP has that 'media-center' capability unlike no other.


    That's a 4.0Gb hard drive for 190 bucks. While the PSP's is 200.


    Also, if you read carefuly in the article, that baby is made for homebrewing. So that means that you can go old school with any game you want, and tear it up in any game possible.

    Oh wait, the PSP keeps getting upgraded, and they keep on putting more firewalls and such against Roms.

    What's left?

    Oh yeah, the internet browser.

    Let's face it, if you're using the internet on the PSP, that most likely means that you're in a Wi-Fi Hot Spot, meaning that there's gotta be a computer around. So you can take around a minute to load a 800x600 picture, when you could literally take a second, and not waste your precious battery at double power when using the browser, then yes, use that computer.

    I know this from experience, I've had both of them for quite a while. The PSP would have been useless if not for the media player. Because they're making you pay $50 on games when you can get the console counterpart for the same, with better graphics, sound, gameplay, and controls.

    And no, this is not a hate thread :p

  2. Luffy

    Luffy I Can See A New Horizon

    Apr 15, 2006
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    PSP i dont like DS because the dual screens while cool but a little cfomplicated id rather buy the PSP and pay the extra 10 bucks
  3. Hiro

    Hiro Active Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    PSP... games on the DS resemble (good) GBA games... and that has really dissappointed me (cant wait for the Revolution/WII (Screw WII im callin it revolution....))

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