Soccer Racism in football...again!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Teddz, Nov 29, 2005.

  1. Teddz

    Teddz Sexy Swedish Love ♥

    Dec 8, 2002
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    Yet again, racism has shown on the field of football.

    During the game between italian teams Messina and Inter, Messina defender, from the Ivory Coast, Zoro, got humilated by the Inter supporters.

    In fact, he got so upset that he suddenly just took the ball, and wanted to leave the pitch. He couldn't take it anymore, but due to talks from Inter strikers, Adriano (Brazilian), and Martins (Nigerian), he was able to fullfill the match.

    After the match, Inter president, Giancamo Facchetti, offically apologized for the fans attitude towards the player, and said that the club never supports racisim on the field. (Inter is short for Internazionale, and not to mention that 80% of their squad consist of foregin players).

    What can UEFA or FIFA do to stop this?

    - Teddz
  2. Tanuki

    Tanuki the wizzard of oz

    Apr 9, 2003
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    it's hard to see how they can stop the fans from doing this. when it's a player it's straightforward enough but trying to stop fans is about as easy as stopping racism in general. I don't know what it's like in the italian league, but over here each club tends to be supported by a disproportionate number of 'ethnic' people, ie. each club is largely supported by a different ethnic group, so then politics between nations, religion etc gets involved as much as anything else.
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  3. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    It's hard to believe that that would happen to me. You have to respect the players, no matter what team you're rooting for. Racism just isn't acceptable. Honestly, I don't know if FIFA or UEFA can stop this, sadly. I mean, the only solution I see is actually seperating the fans. One team's fans on one side, the other team's on the other. It won't work, but that's the only way out of it that I can think of.
  4. Kain

    Kain Plaything of Doom

    Dec 16, 2003
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    It usually takes one drunken dip-s**t to start the whole thing off, the problem is that cause the crowd is so big that they'll never really be able to pin-point where the whole thing started, not unless securtity just happened to be walking by as the whole thing started.
    This must really put a massive strain on players as not only do they have to put up with the all the training and press, they then have to go onto the world stage to do their job and then get heckled at cause of his skincolour/religen etc. Personally i can't blame players who suddenly lose their cool and start giving people i the crowd the finger if he going to the subject of racism. Cause at that point i just won't care anymore.
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  5. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    True. This is how most bad things happen. Guy goes to soccer game, downs a few icey cold ones, and BAM!, he's drunk as Santa fulla' eggnog and yelling racist comments at the other team.

    True again. There must be tons of these things happening at soccer games, and it would be nearly impossible to find the exact spot where the racism started. You'd be busy calming other rioters down.

    Which is, like I said above, very, very unlikely.

    So, in conclusion? FIFA and UEFA need to stop these kinds of things, but it would be nearly impossible to do so. It's sad really.
  6. Shen

    Shen Indefinately away

    Nov 23, 2002
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    Racism is like terrorism... it can never be eradicated... unfortunately.

    - Shen

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