Philosophy Radical Skeptisism- What are your opinions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Athena, Oct 28, 2004.

  1. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Radical Skeptisism is basically, for those of you that do not know, as far as philosophy goes is where one basically doubts everything. Take Reality for example, if our reality is real or not is something that a skeptisicst would think about.

    My Question to all of you is: Do you think that radical skeptisism should be considered and if not how do we avoid it in order to live in our everyday lives?
  2. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    As long as if the philosopher has valid reasons for saying that everything could be just an illusion. Descartes, for example, said that everything he doubts could possibly not exist. But, it's hard to not doubt a lot of things since there is so little proof for anything anyways.

    I think it should be considered, but questioned. Many things should be questioned, like are we free? I'm surprised my brain hasn't exploded since I started taking philosophy XD
  3. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    I know how your feel about the whole brain thing... I feel like that at times as well.

    So would you say that Radical Skeptisism is a good thing? I feel that it is although I do know that if we did take it as far as it should go that, well, i think we'd never be able to truly function in what we consider to be our reality.

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