Creative Writing Really Short Stories

Discussion in 'Written Arts' started by Novus, Oct 8, 2003.

  1. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Time to make a happy story. :D

    My Friend

    We are two of a kind, you and I. I am the Queen of Hearts and you are the King of Hearts or the Queen of Diamonds whatever the one you prefer. We think a lot alike. I know what you will do before you do it. You can guess what I will say next. Our souls are connected together. It is as if we share one life. We are past the best friend part. We are one in the same. We are in perfect harmony.

    Whoever committed the crime we both can go down for it. We will stay together forever. But I need to ask you a question dear friend of mine. I need to put our mind at ease. Was it I who killed the person or was it you? You don't need to answer me if you don't want too. In fact I should know the answer. For I am one of a split personality.

    I just willl have to reach deep inside of us to find out the truth. Why is it not working? Why can I not remember? What did you do to destroy what we had? Why are you not answering me? Are you still there?
    Not really happy but it works.
  2. Novus

    Novus Gone

    Jul 19, 2003
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    My entire body felt as though it was on fire. My eyes watered. My mouth burned. My entire being cried at me, begging me to stop. My eyes became bloodshot, filling with the colour of what lay before me.
    To my left Aticus coughed, cried. He was doing no better than I was, if not doing worse. To my right, Norton panted, coughed, choked. I knew in an instant he wasn't going to make it.
    From somewhere, I think behind me, someone threw more onto the table. "Round two!" I heard him yell.
    "Bring it on," I rasped. Around me people cheered. Aticar nodded his agreement. Norton just coughed.
    At a cry of "go" from somewhere, we each grabbed another from the table and gulped it down. By now the burning was almost unbearable. I was sure I was going to break. Norton looked like he was barely able to stay upright. Aticus, on the other hand, showed little change.
    "Round three!" someone yelled. Three more were thrown on the table. I wanted to end this little game fast. Without hesitation, I grabbed two and shoved them in my mouth, swallowing quickly. Aticus grabbed the other and choked it down with difficulty.
    Someone behind me yelled something I couldn't make out to the crowd, who cheered and hollared. Norton coughed and ran to the bathroom. He was out of the running.
    Two more were dropped on the table. One for each of us. Neither of us showed any signs of slowing down. Someone told me these were the last two he had. He slapped me on the back, and I nearly vomitted, but managed to keep it down. I would not give in so easily.
    We both grabbed one and again choked them down. Both of us rose to our feet, staring bloodshot-eye-to-bloodshot-eye. It looked like a draw.
    I held out my hand to Aticus. He reached forward to shake it, but only made it halfway. A look of pain more intense than before came on his face, and he fell to his knees, clutching his stomach. Seconds later he was lying face up, staring into nothingness.
    I heard someone dial a phone to call an ambulence. All I could do is stare as they dragged Aticus into the ambulence and it sped off to the hospital.
    I sat down again, collapsing in the chair. Someone asked if I was alright. I nodded and assured him that I would be fine. Immediately, I flopped onto the table, the sound of my head hitting the oak surface the last thing I remember.
  3. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Bored. Did this to hold off my urge to write even though I have terrible writer's block.

    The Force Field

    The chains around my angel’s body, falling limp, bind her to the platform I see in front of me. Her wrists, her ankles, and her neck are the main parts these bindings are around. I notice the one hanging slightly lopsided on the side of her head, and go to tuck it away, like it was a strand of her hair, only to be thrown back by an invisible force field.
    So, that renders removing the chains from her body useless, I can’t even touch them
    He’s enjoying this, that heartless bastard. Enjoying the torment on my face from seeing my love this way, surrounded by something OTHER than my arms. He’s a ****ing sadist.
    Once more I rush up to her, and try to see if I can grab those chains but once again I am thrown back. This time farther. I try once more and in the process thrown back even farther than before. Then I close my eyes and try to think, how to disable that force field.
    Perhaps, a key is what’s needed…
    That’s it, I remember that bastard have a key around his neck when he said she was down this way before disappearing. So that’s what I need.
    I run back to her one last time, not to attempt the impossible again, but to tell her I’ll be back, and I won’t leave her unconscious body here, here in this hell. I then leave, to find that bastard.
    It wasn’t hard finding him, the selfish devil. He was waiting outside the room, for me to realize what I had to do, but I spent no time wasted going for the key. The devil proves to be a formidable opponent, though somehow I sense he’s not trying to hard, like he wants me to have the key. I find this odd, he is the devil after all, and he must know getting the key will mean I can release my angel and he would have to face defeat. Perhaps he doesn’t, so maybe this being isn’t who he claims to be…
    I finally get the key and run back to the room. I look for an area I can place the key in, but I don’t find anything. Her body’s starting to glow softly now, along with the key. Finally that sadist follows me into this room, laughing maliciously.
    “What are you laughing about? I’ve won.” I say swiftly.
    “Do you think a mere mortal like you can beat me?” he begins. “I’ve won. That key isn’t to open the force field.”
    I quickly turn around, anger firing in my eyes. He’s still laughing.
    “What do you mean?!” I snap.
    “It’s the key to her heart.” He responds.
    I’m sick of trying to find a way to release her of the force field. I grab the devil by the collar of his shirt.
    “Remove the force field then, now!” I say threatening. But he looks at me with the sickest pleasure on his face.
    “I never put it there. Nor the chains. You did.” He answers.
    I release him in shock. My now mouth gaping in shock as well, and my eyes are as wide as could be. I am unable to grasp what he just said. He chuckles at my expression.
    “The chains were created by your jealousy, your wanting of no else to touch her, or even look at her. The force field was created by your over protection. It’s designed to let no one in, and you just locked yourself out. The key in your hand is useless now, for the force field will now never, never come down.” He explains to me as if reading my mind. He then laughs his sinister laugh once more before leaving.
    I don’t believe it! I won’t! I refuse to! I run back to her, and attempt to break the force field, but am thrown back, much farther than any other time. That makes sense now too, it’s like myself, pushing the perpetrator away and away and eventually killing them for coming to near to her too many times. Tears begin to streak down my cheeks as I run one last time to her lifeless body. I collapse to my knees, in front of the force field, and start weeping completely out of control. My tears come down like a waterfall, and I’m sure they will make a river, no an ocean! I look up at her body with my now blurry eyes, the sound of her angelic voice from earlier today ringing in my ear “Ya know you don’t have to be so protective of me.”
    My tears come down even more when I remember her saying that. Maybe if I heeded her advice earlier, this wouldn’t be happening, the devil wouldn’t have won, our love would’ve banish him out of our lives forever, but because of my fear and jealousy, she will never wake up, and I will never hear her voice, touch her skin, or kiss her ever again. I continue to weep.
    And then I remember the key.
    It’s pretty sharp, if a person put enough force into it, it could kill someone…

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