Recreation Reasons for changing your name?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Reisti Skalchaste, Nov 14, 2005.

  1. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    This thread's meant for members who've changed their names in the past. I'm wondering just how much point it has, but the mods can shoot it down if they want, of course. :p

    So, for everyone who's done it, if you remember why, why did you? Any special reasons, or...? What did you like about your new name, that you wanted to use it?

    For those that haven't, but can't bear not to post in here :)p) How difficult to you find it to adjust when your peers change their names? Like, do you still think of me as Shinryu, or Ciel as Seraphim, Guyver III as SaberJ2X, etc.? (Keep negative comments to yourself, please)

    My reason for changing it... well, some things happened, I'd rather not bring them up. Let's just say that it had to do with my ban. The events that led up to it and the aftermath of it left me with too many uncomfortable feelings on my old name. I felt depressed using the name "Shinryu" and I found it hard to enjoy being back.

    The name "Ragnarok" came about on another forum, actually. It's undergoing some major changes right now and one of them is that all the staff have to pick mythological names for themselves, to suit the rebranding of the site. (kinda like M2A -> BJP, but it's a complete overhaul, changing style, forum software, name, it'll essentially be a completely different site)

    Being the fan of Norse Mythology that I am, I initially picked "Ragnarøk" as my new username. I grew attached to it very quickly, and started using it on my own forum. After awhile, I got thinking that with the ø in there, it would be a bit harder for people to contact me if they needed to. I know how to type it, but how many others do? So I took out the ø in favour of a regular o.

    Anyway, since I knew I couldn't use Shinryu anymore, I decided to use Ragnarok, since I liked it the most out of all my usernames. For awhile after getting back, I couldn't even stand to look at my old name.

    To be completely honest with you, the name Shinryu means nothing to me anymore. It's not me. It's not anything, really. I don't feel any attachment to it like I used to. It's just another word.

    I'm bet that's the longest, most drawn-out, angsty explanation here. :p I'm done being emo for now.

    I can't believe I've only been Ragnarok for 2 months. Feels like so much longer...
  2. Nephilim_X

    Nephilim_X New Member

    Sep 19, 2002
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    You take the internet WAY too seriously.

    Anyway before any forums and the like, back during... oh, 97 or so, my online handle was Dengar. I ended up using Nephilim_X because it simply sounded that much cooler.
  3. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    It's just another location for the exchange of information. I take it as seriously as it deserves. Speaking to someone over the internet is no different from speaking to them in person or over the phone, save for that you don't see them or hear their voice. And see, this is the kind of thing I've already heard many many times and don't need to hear again. :)
  4. Jackabee

    Jackabee Captain Jackabee Sparrow

    Jul 19, 2005
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    You know my answer PFKAS...

    Any who... Lets see now. Tracking myself across my time on the internet... Aconitum_vulparia, Jackabee, , Cheshire_Kat, RPfishh, Mezereon... many names on neopets and of which I care not to remember right now... tiggeroo11, and some name that I can not recall because I was so little when I had it.

    Reasons for the large number of names.... I forget the password, I'm starting on some thing new, or I just happen to have more than one account. Jackabee will be my name on here for now and for whenever... I don't plan on changing it.
  5. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Izzy Izumi -> Izzy just because it was easier to get into my account without having to type 5 extra characters *and* pressing the space bar once.

  6. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    I just basically stick with this name. Well, the one before this one (Trigun Son) was okay I guess. I have no idea where I got Shijin. No frikin' clue honestly. I had to come up with a name for my character in Guild Wars, and I just kinda said out loud without warning, "Shijin the White." Yeah... :D
  7. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Woulda thought you got it from the Flash games named Shijin the Warrior.
  8. Basher

    Basher Mad Writing Skillz

    Mar 21, 2003
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    Here I went from Basher19 to Basher. It said Basher was taken. At the time I was 19. I am no longer 19. Simple enough. Nickname in highschool kind of Basher. It deals with soccer.

  9. Orion

    Orion Gears

    Jun 27, 2005
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    Nope. I honestly have no idea who you're talking about. It just kinda popped into my head that one day. A vision, perhaps... :D
  10. sweetasuka

    sweetasuka Ahh Ice-Cream!

    Jan 27, 2004
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    Yea, I still see you as Shinryu. But it is because that is the name you were using when I got to semi know you. What ever did happen with Cherry? I was gone for a while so I am a little behind :eek:
  11. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Read my PM. ;)

    As far as my question, do I adjust easily to people's name changes? It depends person to person, I think.

    For example, Seishin I got used to and had little trouble adjusting to. KamiSama, never could. I think it depends on how well I know the person. Which makes sense, really.
  12. me_dreaming_zzz

    me_dreaming_zzz ¯\(º_o)/¯

    Nov 6, 2003
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    I haven't changed my name yet. It was always me_dreaming_zzz here. I don't wanna change it, I like it ^______^

    But my name is different in every forum. Basically, I don't want to be recognized.
  13. Kagome's Arrow

    Kagome's Arrow Princess of Unicorns

    Feb 20, 2004
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    If I change my name at all (which I very well might in the near future) it will be because Kagome's Arrow is a name I picked when I was 13 because I couldn't think of anything else, and anyway, I only registered in the first place because there was a post in the IY forum that I felt the need to respond to. I had no intentions of sticking around past that. There was no real thought put into that name, and to be honest, I'm a little sick of being an inanimate object =P

    Dunno what I'll change it to, though. LadyKagome, perhaps, or just plain Kagome if it isn't taken (not likely). Have to wait and see.
  14. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    I am a person who hates changes, but if it has to happen then I'll adopt to it sooner or later. Its like the change from M2A to

    Ciel for me is Ciel, i got used to it now as much as I got used to the new Ragnarok. But Saber will always be Saber to me :p

    The first time I used the net was here with this nick, and so far I only use it. I think it is starting to be me rather than Sanosuke (see Rurouni Kenshin!!). If that nick was used I either aim for zanza-chan (zanza.chan, zanchan) or use my last name. Depends on the place. If I might interact with the place more often, I'd try to use one of the zanzas nicks, if something to join just for the heck of it (bleach7; fan lists) I use my last name IF Zanza was used.
  15. Takamatsu1986E

    Takamatsu1986E New Member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    Takamatsu, because he was the Soke of a fighting style i love, and his name sounds awesome. since then i've kinda started to take my own names. Jinkaze most everywhere... runescape, nightmist, amtgard, various yahoo groups... and Jintanuki. those who recognize this name know exactly where it's from. (^).(^).
  16. Teddz

    Teddz Sexy Swedish Love ♥

    Dec 8, 2002
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    _Teddz_ -> Teddz.

    More...cleaner look.

    End of talks.

    - Teddz
  17. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    I was Kenshin309 first. Kenshin cause he's my favourite character and 309 cause those are the numbers on one of ym sn's. Then I changed cause no one else really have numbers and cause it sounded dumb. Then it was KenshinX_Himura. Still my favorite and might change it back to it, I don't know. Hitohiro came along when I was talking to Takamatsu and it just kinda stuck. Kenhsin's my man but I now have my own character.
  18. Peachy

    Peachy ☆liberal HMod☮

    Mar 29, 2005
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    I changed my name because I figured out I was more obsessed with KoRn than I thought I was.

    " Life is Peachy " - Album by KoRn
  19. Seishin

    Seishin Guest

    I never posted here!? o_O

    For the newbs out there, here's a piece of valuable information :p

    SakataKentaro -> Seishin

    I wasn't so interested with this site at first, but a couple of months after I got the hang of it.

    SakataKentaro was kinda of annoying to type every time I had to log in, and I always DID want to use the nickname I used in the character of my old drawings and some new stories, so I chose Seishin!

    There, short, and simple, and facts that you would want to overcome as well!


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