Recreation Recreation Forum Charter

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cloud, Sep 26, 2002.

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  1. Cloud

    Cloud Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 2, 2001
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    The Recreation Forum - what does it cover? Hard to pin down, but I can tell you for sure what it should not...

    Please try and avoid offending other members with extreme personal beliefs (religious, sexual or otherwise) and respect the authority of our hardworking moderators. Remember that not everyone here is the same age, race, sex as you and what may seem funny or suitable in a friendly chat with someone else may not be appropriate in a public group discussion.

    While the Recreation Forum may seem like the ideal place to discuss your innermost fantasies, it is not!

    I shall leave a blank space here for our moderators to edit and add to this as they see fit.


  2. Bloodberry

    Bloodberry Bloody Berry
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2001
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    did you ever think about how old some of the members are that don't have an age listed? or how many of them use their parents' computer? alot of parents don't want to see that stuff. i have no probs with that stuff, but i know i'm wrong to think everyone else is ok with it too.
    but, this isn't to turn into another debate. let's just try to act our ages, and remember that just because it's misc, desn't mean it's not a misc on an anime and manga board.
  3. UrashimaKeitaro

    UrashimaKeitaro Sesquipedalian Mod

    Feb 16, 2001
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    This discussion is a reminder of why exactly I joined this forum in the first place. I suppose the true reason therein would be a place to discuss Manga and Anime without the presence of the ugly black eye known as hentai. These boards have been great to me since I signed on back in February of 2001. I've made some excellent friends here, enjoyed the light banter, relished in plot discussions, taken suggestions and considered them seriously. All of this wouldn't have happened if this would have been like the majority of boards out there with rampant idiocy and 'ecchi'-ism (quite often hand-in-hand) If I were coming around to see this board for the first time recently, I would have probably turned away. Let's make this place great together, Admins, Mods, and Members alike.

    I, UK, again solemnly resove myself to the task at hand as a moderator here at M2A. I want to see the special environment that makes this place truly unique.

    I may be 25, but I will never cease to be offended by the belittlement and insult of others, especially my friends, they're very precious to me.
  4. Vash

    Vash New Member

    May 25, 2002
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    This whole thing is really tricky isn't it? I'm a big fan of freedom of speech but not of people trying to hurt each other in any way. I'm guessing that most of the more controversial threads were started more in a spirit of fun than of mischief. It's just that people don't all find the same things funny.

    It's tempting as a mere member to simply ignore any thread that we find annoying, rather than add to its post count, but maybe we shouldn't all be leaving it to the mods. If you come across a thread that offends you again, how about PMing the person that upset you. They probably don't realise there's a problem, or think that only a minority have a problem. Let them know. It can't be too threatening to do that, surely? This is the internet, they can't come around and kick your cat if you p*** them off!
  5. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    The recent outcrop of inappropriate behavior on M2A has driven us to buckle down and set the rules straight here. Either shape up, or a lot of things here on the boards are going to ship out...and as the creator of this particular Misc column I hate seeing it go. But if it must to maintain order, it will be done.

    So that said, keep the following things in mind here as a member. Many of these points are drawn from courtesy, common sense, and are also in the rules you agreed to upon joining and continuing your stay here:

    -No illegal activity-for obvious reasons we will not condone the linking or distribution of illegal materials here on M2A, be it anime media, manga scans, music, or other such material.

    -Respect Other Members-as childish as name-calling is to begin with, but even so it seems we need to enforce this anyhow. Do not make defamatory or rude comments directly against any other member. Whether you find it a joke or not, this is a serious matter and once again an offense.

    -Respect the Team-Our Moderators and Administrators are here to maintain order, and while you may or may not like it, their decisions are final here on M2A. They don't get paid for doing their duty, and it can be a lot of work to keep things orderly. As such, we ask you behave accordingly to them.

    -No offensive discussions or content-This is where a lot of your arguments are being made, but here's it short and simple - No extreme religious, sexual, or other unacceptable behaviour. (This includes hentai)

    -Mark your spoilers!-We have a vbCode that forces a highlight to read content within a spoiler tag. If you're discussing material that gives away sensitive content in relation to a story, use the
    tags to appropriately mark it off. If the entire topic deals with a spoiler topic, indicate this on the stopics name, for example, "About the ending... (Contains Spoilers)". Do NOT include spoilers in the name of a topic ("Didn't the death of Joe suck in episode 5?").

    Got those clear in your head yet? Good. Got a problem with anything on the boards, feel free to contact a Mod on your own time...but don't tie up the boards.

    Thank you...since this topic has become cluttered with pointless arguing, I shall have to lock it now.
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