RPG Requests RPG Request: Search for Avalon

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Athena, Mar 13, 2004.

  1. Athena

    Athena Wisdom comes with Sadness

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Search for Avalon

    The year is 2020 and after many years of ongoing wars peace has finally come to all the nations. Some have been conqored some have merged with other countries and new nations have been made. Feudalism and Technology have combined and magic is beginning to surface and with it new evils...
    It would seem that nothing, not even new technology, can stop it but there is hope. An old legend speaks of a sacred sword that lies in the Lake of Avalon and so the Search for Avalon has begun.

    I will be using the traditional system of rpging and it is not an open rpg. It will have a character profile section and all characters must be approved and a minimum of 8 characters will be needed. These are the sides:

    Descendants of Morded:
    This side is the new evil and are magic users and warriors as well. They have developed some kind of immunity to technology based attacks and are pretty strong, but not immune, against magic.

    The Nation Alliance:
    These are the warriors that are searching for Avalon.

    Lady of Avalon/Lady of the Lake:
    She resides in Avalon and is the keeper of the sword. She will give guidance to the warriors and offer training in her spells. She follows the Goddess and she will be played by me.

    credit: the idea for this rpg has sprung from the books Lady of Avalon and The Mists of Avalon
  2. Sebastien

    Sebastien Guest

    I'll have to reject this for two reasons:

    1. I just adopted an RPG, so I'm going to be rather busy with that.
    2. You already are Game Master of RPG Into The Wind, and nobody can be Game Master of two different RPGs, therefore you would have to find someone that would be willing to be its Game Master.

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