RPG Requests RPG Request: Warcraft

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Raven, Feb 20, 2004.

  1. Raven

    Raven Fuhrer

    Jun 10, 2003
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    This will probably be a large RPG with many characters spread very far out from each other in the beginning. So of course this maybe a little difficult to manage.

    Basic Plotline is this: Its a week or so (maybe more) after the Arthas the Death Knight and King of Lorderon made his ascension and became one with the Lich King Ner'Zul. The land of Northend is still reeling from all the magic that was realeased and Arthas is planning his attack on the world before the Burning Legion will find him and destroy him.
    Illidian Stromrage the "Betrayer" was rescued by his Blood Elf and Naga warriors lead by Prince Kael'thas and Lady Vashj. However he must attack Arthas soon or the Demon King Kil'Jaden will desroy him. Though right now he is wounded and recovering in his stronhold in the world of Drainor.
    The Undead Elf Lady Sylvannis and her general the mighty Dreadlord Varamithios in Lorderon and preparing the final attack on the alliance resistance of Humans and Dwarves. However the Lich Kel'Thuzad is waiting until the time is right to strike and destroy in Arthas's name.
    Maiev Shadowsong is still seaking Illidian to kill him, though she has not enough forces to attack his base in Drainor. She is returning to her homeland of Kalimdor to her Night Elf brethren to get reinforcments from Mal'urion Stromrage the brother of Illidian and his lover Tyrande. Both of them however are tired of fighting and only want peace.
    Jaina Proudmoore is heading to Lorderon to head the resistance, after her father, Admiral Proudmoore was killed by the Orcs lead by Jaina's friend and ally Thrall. She forgives the Orcs because she knows they had to do it but she is still grieving.
    All of them will be involved as Arthas will try and take over the entire world!

    This RPG if it is adopted will have two kinds of characters, those already mentioned example: Illidian, Sylvannis, Jaina etc with already determined spells (you can make more if you want to), and other characters that you totally make up based on races and such.

    Oh and races and groups are:
    Night Elf- Setinals
    Blood Elf- Illidians forces or Alliance
    Orc- The Horde
    Human- Alliance or Undead Scourge or the Undead Forsaken
    Dwarf- Alliance
    Tauren-The Horde
    Panderan-The Horde
    Dryad or Keeper of the Grove-Setinals
    Troll- The Horde
    Naga-Illidians Forces

    Whew thats a lot of stuff, if it is to much I will understand if no one adopts, but please do. :blush2: So please adopt.
  2. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    I accept. The subforum should be created soon.

  3. Raven

    Raven Fuhrer

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Well i'm happy that you like it. :anime: Anybody else want to adopt, also does anyone know when the sub forum actually gets made. Where are you Baka.

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