Rurouni Kenshin = Kawakami Genzai

Discussion in 'Rurouni Kenshin' started by That guy!, Sep 16, 2001.

  1. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    Actually during the Bakumatsu there existed 4 Hitokiri's named Kawakami Genzai, Okata Izou, Nakamura Hanjirou, and Tanaka Shinpei.

    Here is something I came upon while browsing the net:

    "Character model of Himura Kenshin, Kawakami was of the Shiranui Ryuu (he invented it himself)Hmm. Seems that his Battoujutsu pose is quite unique: something like Kenshin's, "the right leg is extended in front, knee slightly flexed, while the left leg is folded with the knee touching the ground. One slash with the right hand, and that's it." (Do I see all the people starting to imitate the pose? Ok I admit it, I tried it too. Really hard on my legs...)

    According to documents, Kawakami was a man of short stature, kept his hair long, quiet, and was often mistaken for a female. In fact, something like Kenshin.

    Kawakami was a supporter of the Jyoi movement, his most famous killing being that of Sakuma Shouzan, the great thinker who was the teacher of Yoshida Shoin, who in turn was the teacher of Kido Koin (Katsura Kogorou) and other Choshu shishis. Sakuma believed that in order to protect herself from foreign threat, it was essential for Japan to open up her self to Western influences and learn about all the technologies the West had to offer, so that Japan would have to ability to fight back against colonialism. Needless to say, this made him a target for radicals who believed that Japan musn't be contaminated by filthy gaijins. Kawakami was arrested after the assassination, and was thrown into jail. He was freed after the Restoration. However, the new Meiji government, comprising of young political blood, believed in Sakuma's views and was practising the concept of 'Western Technologies, Japanese Soul'. Kawakami disagreed strongly against this, for according to Watsuki, he didn't want to see the efforts of his comrades in the Jyoi movement who had since passed away, and also those who had died under his katana, to go to waste. In fact, it was based on this spirit that the character of Himura Kenshin is designed. In the end, he became such a nuisance to the Meiji government, that he was decapitated in the 4th year of Meiji, 1871."
    -Tracy Lim

    If you want to know some other of the Historical Figures in Rurouni Kenshin, such as the Oniwabanshuu, the Shinsen Gumi, or the other Hitokiri's then go to

  2. Ciel

    Ciel Unoa Freak
    Staff Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    yowsa thats a whole lot of 'tekst' [​IMG]
    thanks though bro for the download, I wasn't sure if Kenshin was based off a real person or not, because of the little read along bit at the end of the Kenshin OVA.
    I still am looking for a topic though for my Japanese History paper, but I have time...
    oh, Japanese History looks like its going to be cool.. we get to watch 'Grave of the Fireflies' in it.. a friend told me to bring a box of kleenex.
  3. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    Wow!, you'll have to show me your Japanese history textbook later. Maybe it'll have something about the Hitokiri's or the Shinsengumi. [​IMG]

    I think it's awesome how much studying the creators must have done to create Rurouni Kenshin. Although they probably learned all about the Meiji era and the Bakumatsu in History class.

    Oh yeah Seraphim, check to see if your teacher will show Rurouni Kenshin in your class. The ova would probably be significant in showing how life was back then also.
  4. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    I'm not surprised that Kenshin has a historical base to his character. Much of the show does (except for my little complaint of inaccuracy [​IMG] ). Also, many other characters throughout fiction's history have had historical bases. For example, Yoda of Star Wars fame is based on Winston Churchill, the former British Prime Minister, and the same guy who first said "Do or do not; there is no try". Even the great 007 was based on a secret agent due to a major secrecy leak somewhere along the line.
    I'll shut up now.

    Ganbare, Zanshi, Ganbare ...

    [This message has been edited by GentatsuNoZanshi cc61 (edited 09-16-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by GentatsuNoZanshi cc61 (edited 09-16-2001).]
  5. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You just love ruining my fun don't you?!?

    Oh yeah, I didn't look up and post all that info for your insult [​IMG]

    Oh yeah, your innacuracy is wrong! Kanryuu's gatling gun did stall! if it didn't stall then Shinomori Aoshi and Kenshin would have been killed bucko!

    [This message has been edited by That guy! (edited 09-16-2001).]
  6. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    What? Me, ruining your fun? That is my specialty, isn't it?
    As for the gun:
    [​IMG] I stand corrected. [​IMG]
    Nonetheless, I still insist that a simple opium dealer would not have an experimental weapon. You don't see gangters running around with nukes, do you? (an exaggeration, yes, but it gets the point across)
    Be still, my latent demons!

    Ganbare, Zanshi, Ganbare ...
  7. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    Gomen, Gomen-nasai!
    I apologize for my explosion there.
    Yeah I guess I see your point about the gangster not being able to get a hold of the gun. I guess a way was needed though to get rid of the Oniwabanshuu'll have to come and see the rest of Kenshin, because the oniwa deaths come into the plot later on.

    You're still a party pooper though [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  8. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Actually, if you follow the story, Kanryu was much more than "a simple opium dealer", he was a big-time supplier - thus explaining how he could afford to pay off such a skilled group such as Edo castle's Oniwabanshu...

    And, to further burst your bubble (and to try and refresh what you saw quite a while ago), Kanryu states as he guns down the Oniwabanshu that he was planning to switch to dealing with the sales of arms from the black market...using the money from his wide spread opium business, of course...

    BakaMattSu, on the Kenshin defensive...
  9. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    Holy Reverse Polarity, BakaMan! The tables have turned on GentatsuNoZanshi cc61!
    It just keeps getting harder and harder to bow out of obsessing about history with y'all! I try to bow out peacefully and leave you to your workings, but you cannot let sleeping demons lie! I'm going to leave now, and if you have a problem with that, take up your quarrel elsewhere, or be prepared to take up thy [metaphorical] sword!

    P.S. That "latent demons" comment was directed at me, not any of you. "Latent" means "hidden". Sorry if I was misinterpreted. [​IMG]

    Ganbare, Zanshi, Ganbare ...
  10. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Zanshi, my post sounded a lot more harsh than when I was typing...I meant not to throw you out of the topic...but, if you still want to discuss historical difficulties reawaken those sleeping demons in the topic you started eras ago...

    By the way, did everyone take a day off? Things got very slow around here suddenly...

    BakaMan and Nyo-Bin, the Digi-Duo!!
  11. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    Feel free to post stuff about historical innacuracies in the designated threads. Although bringing them up in other Kenshin threads is just too much... I'm just saying this because I don't want anyone to be afraid to post in here because they'll get jumped or something. I didn't expect this thread to turn into an argument [​IMG]

    Zanshi: it's seeming like you totally hate Rurouni Kenshin or something...I don't understand.

    BMS: been kinda busy studying and stuff.

    [This message has been edited by That guy! (edited 09-19-2001).]
  12. GentatsuNoZanshi cc61

    Jun 1, 2001
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    Mayhap it has been I, all along, who is leading these topics astray?
    To post, or not to post
    That is the question
    And whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of That Guy! and BakaMattSu
    Or to take arms against a sea of posts,
    And by opposing, end them
    To quit, to shut up, no more.

    As for Kenshin, don't hate the show, I don't hate anything but hate itself. I merely despise flaws, and I tend to obsess about the tiniest ones when there are no major ones to reflect on.

    Finally, I bow out, and now, in the name of all this calamity we call life, let me be! Do not pull me back again; I will only drag others to oblivion with me.

    GNZ, Poet of Tragedy
  13. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    So you are saying that this Kawakami Genzai's technique its similar to Kenshin's ??

    If that was what you said .. then .. ok .. umm .. now I am a little bit confused :dizzy2: ...

    Isnt Kenshin's story real ? you know .. that red haired samurai with a X scar on his left cheak .. and this Kawakami is a real man too who lived in the same days as Kenshin .. so far .. is what I said right ?

    So that I can complete what I think right now .. :sweat2:

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