Anime Rurouni Kenshin OVA - episode 2

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by air, Feb 7, 2001.

  1. air

    air New Member

    Jan 30, 2001
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    In this episode you're given a more detailed look at whats going on politically in kyoto where Himura ( kenshin ) is staying. Its pretty obvious after a while that their plight isn't really going that far.

    We see Himura and Tomoe getting closer, well as close as he'll let her come, which isn't close at all, but theres still a very strange feeling about Tomoe and her shadowed past.
    The shinsen gumi have become angry at the current happenings in kyoto and near the end destroy the town in an attempt to kill Himura, Katsura ( leader of that fraction of the rebels ) and any of the rebels.

    Most are killed but Katsura escapes and sends both Himura and Tomoe to Otsu in order to protect them for the time being.
  2. Ominae

    Ominae Guest

    I believe one should take the 4 part OVA of Kenshin as a whole. There is a director's cut of Kenshin called Tsuikohen that put all 4 into a movie. Putting all ovas together as a whole and watching it all in almost 2 hours is almost a painful burden on the senses, even though the animation is beautiful. I prefer and enjoy the division as it was meant to be, better, but believe, (and perhaps those who turned it into a flowing one piece believe) that the Kenshin ovas flow together, thus are better talked about (and reviewed) together.

    Yu/ ranks it high in list of anime, beautiful masterpiece.
  3. air

    air New Member

    Jan 30, 2001
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    Too lazy to review the whole thing in one go, that would involve far far too much time, expect my next mini review some time ... errr soon or something [​IMG]

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