Sick of Hollywood and TV Land!!

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by Fushigi Rockna, Aug 5, 2006.

  1. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    When Saw came out, I didn't think much of it. I heard about how the character ends up having to saw his leg off and at that moment I knew I could not watch it. Mutilation makes me quesy beyond hell. Heck, during one of my favorite movies ever, the Red Violin, I got quesy when the violin crafter cuts his dead wife's wrist so he can use her blood to paint his final violin. I just don't handle that stuff well.
    When Hostel came out...well when i first saw the commercial for it, I couldn't sleep. I only saw it once and I had no idea what the hell was going on and it scared the crap of me. I started to see the commercial some more and no longer feared it. Instead I loathed it.
    And today my mom and step dad are watching this SICK AS HELL horror movie...I don't even know wtf it's called, but already I'm disgusted.
    (they expect me to eat dinner now!? <<;;)
    CSI pisses me off. Most of the killings are outrageous and just down right sick.
    I am so fuggin' SICK of this crap being exposed to the public! Since when did mankind get so sick and twisted!? If we hear of a sick real life killing that involved torture, we gasp and mourn and rant and rave about how screwed the world is, yet if we see the exact same type of sick torture killing on a tv or movie screen, we 'oh' and 'awe' at how 'awesome' it is. Wtf mankind, wtf!? Most of the killings in the movies are even beyond what a human mind is capable of doing, sans those few inidivduals in the world who are REALLY psychotic.
    Do we feel that it's a way of letting out those demon thoughts we all have or something?
    I admit to perhaps being somewhat of a hypocrite. I like to read smut fics and rape fics, but ya know what else I REALLY like?! when at the end of those rape fics, the victim in a sense is 'saved'...there's another character that seems to set things right - that's because I still feel pretty optismitic about the world. I like the effect rape can have on a fictional character, and I like to watch them recover and get on with their lives and not let the event rule them. It's a success story that, as a woman, inspires me alot. I also like Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. But I don't like Johnny for the bloodiness and gore and the sickness of it -- I like Johnny because how deep it is, his thoughts and ramblings about the world, and generally because Johnny is really a sweet guy besides the killing part. That and he only kills people who deserve it, like that child molestor who was gonna hurt poor Squee.
    I have nothing against horror movies. horror movies do not have to be violent and gory to be scary. There is such a thing as PSYCHOLOGICAL FEAR, which is a thousand times more effective and scary. Horror screenwriters are not geniuses--they're talentless hacks ripping off the masters and just putting in sick shit to try and 'scare us'. I don't have all that much against CSI either, I just wish it'd make its deaths a little more believable (who the fug kills a person with artifical spider venom!?)
    And so, I leave you all, with one finally note...who's the real @#$%ed one, the person commiting the unspeakable crime, or the person enjoying it?
  2. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    .... the person commiting

    .... the person commiting it.

    ... you now scare me more than you use to...
  3. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    I think you misunderstand

    How do I scare you? o_O
    I think you're misunderstanding me.
    Just think about it for a while. The person committing the crime is sick, don't get me wrong, I effin' hate criminals and all the @#$%heads in the world. they get no damn sympathy from me. I'm not sticking up for them at all. I'm just saying I'm also disgusted with the people who enjoy watching this crap in movies and think 'it's so awesome'. I feel such movies encourage such horrific behaviour. (I forgot to mention something I wanted to bring up in my entry. In Japan there was a girl who watched the movie 'Battle Royale' and then decided she want to remake the one killing where the girl kills another with a sickle, and this girl did so on her classmate.)
    Do you get what I'm saying?
  4. Yossarian

    Yossarian Yossarian Lives!

    Apr 19, 2003
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    I understand perfectly what

    I understand perfectly what you're saying... i've just never heard of anyone thinking about it like that before.

    I didn't mean scare like, i'm actually scared of you...just saying...urg..trying to explain this would take forever...nvm.
  5. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    To tell you the truth, I

    To tell you the truth, I like at least seeing murders, gore and death like those things every once in a while on TV or a movie. I'm not sick crazy about it and I'm not a fan of those deaths that seem very super natural in movies, I just like seeing things that are really possible like two samurai fighting each other and one dying, stuff like that (although none of the old movies that don't even seem the least bit real). I'm more of a reader for things like that because sometimes, I can't stand seeing it for a moment. I have to think about people getting cut with swords to even look at a lot of blood because I've written things in my book that describe things like that. I'm more of a reader than a watcher. Now if it an action movie that has blood, gore and death in it, I'll watch that any time because it really isn't suppose to scare you but instead its just a action movie. I mean, who doesn't like action movies? Its the really super natural movies like Pluse and Saw that seem very unreal that I can't stand.
  6. Fushigi Rockna

    Mar 4, 2003
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    I get what you mean. Action

    I get what you mean. Action movies and the deaths that happen in that i can handle. It's the torture deaths and the not even possible stuff that drive me up the wall.

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