Movies Signals in the Night (review for Signs)

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Holly Jolly, Aug 3, 2002.

  1. Holly Jolly

    Holly Jolly New Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Night is a master of story, while his chapters are equations for the final answer. He knows what to give, and if willing we can receive what is prescribed. His first contact was the one that got our attention; it hit us in two ways. It had non-stop cunning suspense lifted to even higher grounds with beautiful symbolism, and an overall twisted connection. A connection between the two sets of eyes, the visionary soul, and the partaking group. The second contact missed, for they who watched expected the same signal, it rather hit those open to change. It is the same creator yes, but if the first page was the same as the second, who would progress? Unbreakable is subtle genius, genius Night thought viewers savored, he thought incorrectly. People want to be entertained, not preached, especially when they have tried to forget the lesson before it was taught. In the movie it is very obvious he knows his craft, it is also obvious people do not know how to receive it, they don’t know how to accept the twists and turns in the movie, much like life itself. The third contact will be seen, for who can ignore something that touches you? Signs has its own face, it embraces the scares and tension of the first script, and leaves the slow and steady symbolism of the second. It is hard to touch a depressing happiness, if the viewer cannot win its own war of ultimate balance. Hollywood embraces the happy end, or the tragic love because the public devours it even if it is misleading. Night gives the product the way it is, no glimmer, no shine. But how can Night sell the truth for the benefit of others, if no one comes to listen? He easily can win approval of an understanding mind, but it takes effort, and sometimes sacrifices, to ring out the normal wash.

    Signs has the Night feel, but does it’s feeling connect with the audience? It is different from the others because more then anything it appears to be a test, favoring the side of the Sixth Sense, and continues further still by choosing one of two elements contained in the Sense and picks it apart. But do not be mistaken, it is obvious he is testing water, rather then wading in water. There is no way you can sink this man, but he somehow can drain his spectators, that is the unknown mystery he wants to solve and clarify, even if it must take trial and error.

    This movie hits you with one feeling, and then hits you with another directly after the first, all synced from the same direction, giving it a guided movement, not a clashing one. Yes, I remember a movie with action mixed with comedy, a risky thing indeed, but comedy with suspense? Night goes into uncharted waters, and miraculously stays afloat, the movie has a great personality to it. There are plenty of chills in the movie, many more then cheap thrillers but half of them will not grab you like they did in The Six Sense. How can a movie be creepy and at the same time not be? In the movie the Father must comfort his children in scenes covered with dark and dreadful monsters ready to attack, it’s as if Night is being a comforting father to us all, without ruining the journey we ourselves must take. The characters as much as possible will throw off the state of panic to save themselves, they do not feed into the terror like other movies, Night is real, the movie is real, we are not in a fairy tale world with forceful direction, and that is why you are easily left to love it, or despise it. Yes, there are many elements one could reference to other subjects, but the thing is Night really does take the B, and lifts it to the A mark. He does this by always resolving the personal conflict of the characters, that will never change; it is the one universal element he carries in each of his movies. That is why we care for the children, and bathe in the high emotion carried by the older, and many times weaker individuals.

    The Music in Signs is a wonder in its own way, and like the movie it takes the old and flips it into something totally new. In Jaws we have a haunting, deep tone that connects with its featured monster. You feel as if a shark will at any moment, break the calm, glasslike wall separating the world from the deep blue sea. In Signs we get a high-pitched flowing rhythm that connects the deep blue sky, with the curled up world below it. The mix of Comedy and Chills is one that cannot be ignored, and if anything comes close to it in personality it is The Mummy. However Signs seems more balanced, in its categories because it leaves Hollywood on the shelf. Signs is basically better then some strictly comedy centers flicks you have witnessed, and better then some suspenseful thrillers you may have viewed in the past. It is not an adventure, it is a tight story that doesn’t jump around like War of the Worlds or Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind did. And then of course there is the comparison of the man himself, the writer, the producer, and the director. If you enjoy Night’s projects, you will enjoy this. But for the sake of Signs unique and individual heart, don’t go asking or expecting a Unbreakable, or Sixth Sense, ask for Night, and you will get what you wanted…a pure and simple answer.
  2. That guy!

    That guy! Expecting Father

    Apr 4, 2001
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    Thanks for the review Holly Jolly, I don't think mine will be that in depth. But all I have to say really is that this movie really freaked me out and made me think... I can't get out of my mind how "that figure" looked. And last night I could hardly sleep at all and everywhere I go now I'm looking around waiting for it to jump out at me >.<
    I found a really interesting theme in the movie though, it was one of fate vs. coincidence. But were all of the fates and signs actually fate, or mere coincidence, that's for the viewer to decide.

    (obscure reference) oi... I'm going to go and equip myself with a super soaker.
  3. Holly Jolly

    Holly Jolly New Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    He-he, the supersoaker idea would probably work. Anyways, I'm going to see the movie again today. Wohoo!

    Hopefully I find some more details.
  4. Holly Jolly

    Holly Jolly New Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Da! The theater was packed, so no second helping for me. :(

    Maybe next week.
  5. sailorvenus

    sailorvenus 24 days to go...^^

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Thanks for the review, Holly Jolly. I wanted to watch it, but I have no time to go to the theater...maybe some other time

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