Video Games Silent Hill vs. its sequels

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by femme_fatale, Dec 8, 2003.

  1. femme_fatale

    femme_fatale New Member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    What's your opinion on the games?

    Having played all 3 SH games, I can say that I enjoyed 2 the most. Yes, it probably had the weaker story of the bunch, but something about it really made me like it. In my opinion, it also had the best music of all the games, followed closely by 3. However, none of the sequels have frightened me half as much as the original Silent Hill... I think it was the demon schoolkids that made me so terrified of it. :p I have a soft spot for the crappy voice acting as well ("RAAAYYYYdio. What's with this radio?").

    Silent Hill 3 was creepier than 2, I thought, but for some reason didn't intrigue me quite as much. It had great new weapons and slightly more realistic graphics than 2, but I had issues with that -- it made the game darker than usual and it was sometimes too hard to see. Good for mood, bad for trying to actually move around.

    SH3 is also the only Silent Hill game that had nurse monsters that sounded like relatively normal women. Weird.
  2. Amon

    Amon New Member

    Nov 17, 2003
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    Personally, my favorite was Silent Hill 3. Was by far the creepiest and just scared the **** out of me, even in broad daylight.

    However, I beg to differ; I think that 2 had a much more detailed, intriguing and interesting plot. There were so many twists and turns that you'd need to play it a few times to get it all. ;)
  3. femme_fatale

    femme_fatale New Member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    I probably should have clarified this a bit more -- the story was weaker in its tie-ins, was what I should have said. :p I mean, Silent Hill 3 had so many ties to Silent Hill that were gradually revealed, as far as who people were and things relating to the history of the first game. 2 just kind of had its own nifty stand alone story that didn't seem to really have much to do with the storyline from the first game (save the setting).

    Concerning Silent Hill 3, I'd have to say that the part that got to me the most was the part with Stanley's love letters. Eugh. And then in the hospital basement, when you go by this one particular area, you can hear him whisper "Heatherrrrr..." Also the Reverse Hilltop Center...

    If you noticed... the dead people/creatures with smiles pasted to their faces in the Hilltop Center actually have pasted to them the exact image of Lisa Garland's smile from the Silent Hill OST. FREAKY. There are also rumors that the creature Valtiel IS Lisa, and can apparently be seen playing with a child in the Church (I didn't catch it though).
  4. Amon

    Amon New Member

    Nov 17, 2003
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    The two parts that got me;

    When you go into a small room, separated in two by a large shelf, with dismembered mannequins; one left, with its head still attached. You go around to the other section of the room and as soon as the camera changes, you hear a bloody-curdling scream and when you go back, the one mannequin has its head off, blood splattered everywhere.

    Or in the alternate mall bathroom, when you knock on the stall door, and someone knocks back. Then, when you try to leave, the door slowly creaks open. (That was the creepy part). When you go to check, the stall and toilet are covered and full of blood.

    But, yes, Silent Hill 2's story line did stand out alone more, but I think over all it was much better than the story in both 1 and 3 combined. ^^ It was more of a mind-**** which made it really enjoyable.
  5. femme_fatale

    femme_fatale New Member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    All the games have some kind of central symbolism, but that one was SO in your face with the sexuality theme that sometimes I found it funny. Nothing like nurse monsters in miniskirts with open tops! (Could've done without that particular image, tbh.) Constantly disappearing/reappearing Maria was interesting... "Hm... I wonder if something's WRONG WITH THE TOWN, since this woman keeps GOING AWAY and then REAPPEARING when it's most convenient." :)
  6. Shadowhawk

    Shadowhawk New Member

    Sep 10, 2002
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    SH3 lost it bit (SH was too short and SH2 was freakin scary O_O )
    All the monsters looked like read meat products. Like the one that looked like it was made of bacon and those huge peperoni things! They made me feel ill, not scared.Plus, i'm still none-the-wiser as to WHY all these poor people have suddenly become sick, twisted-flesh beings who seem so damn into killing people. Yeah it was scary at first, but a little more explanation and a little less walking hams would improve this game

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