Slayers Universe Slayers Premium... Who else thought it was weird?

Discussion in 'Manga and Anime' started by Reisti Skalchaste, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Certainly, I found it bizarre. But hilarious! The commentary by Crispin Freeman and Cynthia Martinez was the funniest thing I ever heard. I mean, I don't normally like the English voices, but I took exception for the commentary.

    Even only being 30 minutes long, it had a TON of humor in it.

    For example:

    Gourry: Lina.
    Lina: Wha? (or some other little response)
    Gourry: (In perfect english): I love you.

    or the phrase "flat-chested" meaning "how horrible" in Octopusese (Tacogo)

    Story-wise, it was almost as crazy as Excel Saga. The new character, Ruuma, despite being a tad odd, was a quick favorite for me, seeing as she is voiced by Cherry... er, Shiratori Yuri, who also does Cherry's voice.

    What about you? What did all of you think of Slayers Premium?
    (As if anyone comes to this forum anymore)
  2. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    Premium was by far my favorite of the Slayers Movies. It might have been the fact that it was only 30 minutes and therefore hard to drag on, it might have been the more extreme animation outtakes, or it might have been that it has the full Slayers group (and not just Naga), but it's at the top of the heap for me.

    I was a bit surprised when I saw Crispin was brought on board for Zelgadis. After all, CPM and ADV are two different companies, and all along ADV had Cynthia, whilst CPM has had Lisa. And it worked out, because every release from ADV prior has been of a younger Lina, of which Martinez' tinny voice worked. But she kept the role for the older Lina in Premium, which broke my little 4th wall attempt - ah well, back to the grand Japanese track. ^^

    Premium does justice to the Slayers name, presenting a funny, but action packed story. To its credit, it is offball, but still not playing in the same court as the strange stuff Excel Saga throws out.

    A recommended DVD for any fan of Slayers, if only running at 30 minutes. I believe ADV cut a little slack (even if only a little) on the price due to the short feature length.
  3. Stardust Phox

    Stardust Phox Such a Taurean I am!

    Mar 11, 2002
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    I saw this subbed a few months ago. XD It was so WEIRD. I finally understood why there's a Slayers song called "Anata wa Takogo." XD

    I think if it'd been any longer I'd have been bored. It felt like a regular episode, except Naga was there (now I know what everyone means when they say "Naga's laugh"!) and Xellos-- *stops self because it's spoiler-like to say something like that, dangit!*

    But yes, that quote... that was amusing. XD Haha. Takogo is hilarious. ^__^; I continue to love Amelia and Zelgadis. *fangirl*
  4. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    You know, I think Cynthia Martinez does a better job voicing Lina than Lisa Ortiz. She captures her youthful energy and fiery temper in a way that Lisa Ortiz never could. But of course, the best one for the part is Hayashibara Megumi.

    Anyway, while Premium isn't anywhere near the level of insanity that Excel Saga pitches out, it certainly is one messed up show. The commentary (which you all have to see to believe) merely added to flame.

    Crispin: And we have... The giant phallus! Everyone's afraid of the giant phallus! And so you should be.

    Really, Slayers Premium must be seen to be believed, so if you haven't, go watch it! Watch it...
  5. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    I suppose it's all a matter of opinion. Of course, Megumi wins hands down - that should be undisputed.

    As I've said, Martinez does a good "younger" Lina. And mainly for your given descriptors (youthful energy, fiery temper). However the same qualities that work in her favour, are also the ones that work against it. When she delivers a scene with extreme tone changes (such as a very angry Lina), it can become very difficult to make out what she's saying. For the best example, try and watch "Mirror, Mirror" in English dub without the shadow Lina giving you a headache from her squeaky high pitch. But it works, the same, as she does a good Lina role.

    Still, even though the Lina of the main timeline is only a year elder (16 years vs 15), Martinez' voice seems too young for that version. *shrug* As I said, a matter of opinion. At least both dub versions are tolerable to listen to. ^^

    I must admit, I've never been too heavy into commentaries, and usually don't bother with them unless I'm bored one night and have nothing to do. Still, it might be worth checking this one out.
  6. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    No contest there. Hayashibara Megumi is one of the greatest voice actors I've ever heard, injecting true life into every character she plays, be it Lina Inverse, Lime, Nuku-Nuku, or her many other roles, rarely have I seen... er heard such talent.

    And please do check out the commentary. You won't regret it.
  7. Zanza

    Zanza .Net-ing & PHP-ing~*
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2001
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    Slayers Premium is one of the 2 movies I ever saw for Slayers and the one that I actually loved. I found very very funny and entertaining which made me look for the series.

    I saw up to episode 5, seems can't see beyond that.
  8. Reisti Skalchaste

    Reisti Skalchaste New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Only one thing to say after finally watching it in the (half-decent) English dub.


    Butterscotch Nose Appraiser. :D

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