Current Affairs Spanish Rebelion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hitohiro, Apr 1, 2006.

  1. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    If you haven't heard, here in Texas, as well as a few other southern states, Hispanics are protesting the 3 bills that went through Congress just recently. Funny thing is, the majority of them are A) Teenagers B) Trying to skip school and C) Don't even know what they're protesting! I raise my hats to those that do know what's going on, that I do, but there are better ways to protest.
  2. Ashika

    Ashika This thing is so short...

    Feb 5, 2005
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    Yes, I have heard about that. But I don't see why they would try to interfere with a Bill just to skip school.
  3. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    or they could be or have friends or family that are illegals or not

    or they don't like the school at all
  4. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    Can someone tell me what you all are talking about, please? :confused:
  5. shinigami

    shinigami The Dark Prince

    Aug 8, 2005
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    it is about those protestor who protested the bill that was being debated in congress
  6. Kaiyon

    Kaiyon Grim Reaper

    Jun 19, 2004
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    Really? Wow, couldnt have gotten that far without you. What Lance asked, and i to am wondering, what is the bill about and all that stuff. We dont all watch the news every day.

    - Kaiyon
  7. Lance Leingod

    Lance Leingod The White Blade

    Feb 26, 2006
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    :points at Kaiyon: What he said.
  8. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    Alright Listen Everybody.

    Alright people, I thought that because most of you were americans you would be better informed than I.

    But I guess not. And it disappoints me that you couldn't even use Google a little to find out what it's all about.

    First: It's not "spanish", spanish people are from SPAIN. The correct term is hispanic or latino.
    Second: It's not a rebellion. It's a generalized strike + march.

    The strike, bearing the name "One day without Latinos", was decided by the millions of latinos (many of them illegal immigrants) who protest against the draconian laws (House Resolution 4437) that were proposed in the congress recently.The That if you don't whistleblow over an illegal alien, you're a criminal, too. So what is the US going to do? Deport the 10 million of latinos in America?

    For the first time in MANY years, illegal immigrants are protesting against being treated worse than animals. Many of them are forced to live in life-endangering conditions, very underpaid, and they can't complain because they need the money (who says slavery is outlawed in the US? And don't get me started on discrimination). They're workers, not terrorists.

    Anyway, this march seems to have a positive effect on the congress.
    The official sources say it was about half a million, while the organizers say it was almost 2 million of people participating in the march.

    Notice that in the mass march the actual violent people found were less than 30.

    Latino students were EXPLICITLY FORBIDDEN from participating in the march, but they skipped school to participate in the protest, despites the consequences. So it's not about teenagers just wanting to skip school. It's a social movement, involving many schools.

    I say it's about time. Latinos have had to see how ridiculous laws against them get passed, like proposition 187 which denied them social services.

    Hitohiro, your statement is insulting to say the least. Please inform yourself before exposing your ignorance. Thank you.
    2 people like this.
  9. Hitohiro

    Hitohiro Angel of Wind

    Nov 5, 2004
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    First of all, a few things I need to say. I'll probably regret this but whatever. First of all, was my post even read? Never in my post did I ever say it was JUST teenagers protesting but that it was MOSTLY. Secondly, I would indeed like to apologize for the title I gave this thread. If it insulted anyone here, I sincerely apologize, that I do. Thirdly, I probably should have put this in the DEbate forum where it could be debated on instead of in the Current Affairs forum where it could be criticized. I intended to add links to the bills and a few other things later on if no one actually knew what it was, and seeing as that was the case, I probably should have added them right then and there. That was my fault was assuming something. I'm sure I have more to say but at this point, it'd be best if I didn't.

    Oh, and one last thing regarding to your last comment. It was totally un-called for you to put it in the post. Something like that could have been sent through a PM where it could be concerned with just the two of us and instead you posted it where everyone could see it. I will learn to inform myself before exposing my ignorance but I think you should do the same thing when it comes to peoples' feelings.

    Again, I would just like to apologize to all those I may have insulted.
  10. luvweaver

    luvweaver Ad Jesum per Mariam

    May 13, 2002
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    OK sorry if i sounded harsh, i need to put my emotions aside.

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