Square Enix Square Enix...

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Lloen, Nov 27, 2003.

  1. Lloen

    Lloen New Member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    Ok, I have not tried the (more popular) new final fantasy games. (X, X 2, XI) but from what I've seen of FFX/X2 I do not like what I see. I could handle FF9, but I dont even want to try X/X2,
    I might be shallow and dont want to accept any changes, but I noticied that 9 was before Enix/Square merge, and after that there was 10 and 10 2. is it just me or does anybody else think Square/Enix merge was a bad idea?

    I'd like to hear your thoughts, but not in an insulting way please. nothing like "maybe you're just an idiot"

    I can't explain why I feel the way I do about X and X 2. maybe it's the blonde hero, let me tell you. it only worked in FF1 - 9 :p Lol, but anyway, please post what you think about it. Thanks
  2. Meaikoh

    Meaikoh See you later, Moderator

    Aug 23, 2001
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    I've yet to really try X-2 (have to rent it over a long weekend or Christmas break), but I understand your concerns about FFX.

    At first, the game might seem a little weak, but if you play it for yourself, I can near-guarantee that there will be something you like about it.

    Now, some of the bigger changes in this game are the Sphere-based level-up system (using spheres to add MP, HP and skills and techniques to your characters), and maybe the fact that there is voice-acting.

    It's got plenty of replay value, since there are sidequests, and secret bosses, and things that would be just plain fun to redo, such as the Al Bhed primers, and the secret locations.

    And your favourite movie scene? Introducing...movie/music spheres, the things that you can buy to re-watch and re-hear movie scenes and music that you will hear and see throughout the game. I really liked this, and wish that more games had it :p.

    I think that the Square/Enix merge has its pros and cons, but in the end, it'll be for the better. As you yourself said, from what you've seen, you don't like them. Give them a chance.
  3. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
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    Apr 17, 2002
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    I don't really see the problem of the Square-Enix merge. Why? Because almost all the teams for individual high-rising games stayed the same. Final Fantasy isn't going to take a backseat to Star Ocean or Dragon Warrior in any sense of the word.

    If you're talking about the game system of X, then I can somewhat agree. It was so radically different and customized that some of the appeal of just gaining levels was lost. However, I thought it was great for Square to decide that you had the choice of where to bring your own characters growth with the Sphere Grid. Square itself had a habit of changing the way levels were gained in each subsequent FF. However, I think a lot of fans are turned off by FFVIII and X because it was TOO different from the tried and true method.

    Also, while FFX (which was STILL made my Square, BTW) also looked radically different even compared to FFVIII, I thought it was a welcome change. The way they portrayed technology and magic was well designed and the overall theme was greatly focused (though I don't really understand WHY it was water in the first place...considering magic-wise, it wasn't even a factor in the game....).

    Yes, Tidus does bring out a very interesting...erm, feelings as a main hero. Too "genki", in my case, in opposion of Squall's total stoicism.

    However, I'd just say to give the games a try. I enjoyed FFX once the story really takes off (near the end, sadly) and FFX2 is fun because of the sheer...well, Charlie's Angels-ness of it. LOL.
  4. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
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    Feb 16, 2001
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    I wholeheartedly agree. I've had a complete decline in taste for the FF series after FF9.

    Used to be the case where I was dying to rush out and get the newest game in the series, but they've begun to slip from my tastes.

    The newer games feel more catered towards newer players, using flashy visuals, grandoise powers, and so on to appeal to action gamers. I miss the old-school console feel where the RPG was more about discovering things and going through an actual story.

    I played about halfway into FFX with much reluctance. It was a lot of "from point A to point B" mixed with CG and Summons. It's truly a shame they've decided to stray far from the roots of what used to be Final Fantasy. At least it is for me - the figures show there are plenty out there who just love it to death.

    FF9 was a tribute to the old school FF, but ti also marked the end of those days, and moving forward. RIP, friend.
  5. Lloen

    Lloen New Member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    *begins to mourn for the loss of an old friend*
    Well, as they say, all good things must come to an end,
    I suppose it's time for change :)

    I forgot to mention earlier, FFX isn't by Nobuo Uaematsu in any way is it?
  6. Angel of Light

    Angel of Light New Member

    Mar 13, 2002
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    Sorry, but i have no idea what you're talking about.

    FinalFantasy X rocks!!! I've played FF 7, 8, and 10, only beating 10. And its soo cool. The story is good, the graphics make my heart pound and besides the graphics and the new the battle system. i see little difference between the others. I liked trying to decipher the Al Bhed language before I got all the primers, and the mini-quests were cool too, especially the ones involving the special weapons.

    Okay, maybe the sphere grid thing was a little annoying (i wished it was auto like the old times), but the story and game itself was very interesting. Especially when Auron showed up :p

    Now, FFX-2 on the other hand... I bought it yesterday and well...its very very different.

    The Charlie's Angels opening sequence got on my nerves slightly and the whole Missions thing too. I still can't believe the summonings are gone and the whole battle system is different (havent gotten used to the fast pace-ness yet).

    I'm only playing for the story...which is incredibly slow...in fact...it doesnt feel like a rpg because these missions (but i have to admit, the spheres about Titus do make me excited to find more). And..okay, i liked how they're giving girls more involvement, but...only three chars? Where's the diversity? Where's my Cloud/Auron character? :p

    If this is the result of the merger, then i think Square should've stayed by itself.
  7. Izzy

    Izzy moo. moo. moo!
    Staff Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Square's X-2 Project was well underway since before the merge. And your Cloud/Auron character is there, you just have to get your Samurai Dress Sphere.
  8. Angel of Light

    Angel of Light New Member

    Mar 13, 2002
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    That helps for some reason...thanks *goes to play X-2 now :p*

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