Debate Star Wars Kid: The Lawsuit Menace

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Billy277, Jul 29, 2003.

  1. Billy277

    Billy277 New Member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    We all knew a lawsuit would come eventually. But first, a link for those who are oblivious to the frenzy that is the Star Wars Kid:

    That said, how do you all feel about this? Should he get medical bills and/or pain and suffering as a result of people around the world making fun of him?

    Personally, I think it's more sad than anything. Just about everyone I know who's seen those videos say that, although they're funny, they feel sorry for the guy because they could relate and, let's face it, that's NOT the best experience for a 15 year-old to have. But with this lawsuit, that sympathy is instantly going to evaporate and people will think even less of him for wanting money. Still, I don't think that he should be awarded money - What the BBC article doesn't say was that the people who posted the video were his friends, and even if that weren't an issue, Ghyslain should have been more careful about what he created.

    Other thoughts?
  2. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    I'd like to see the video clip in question to determine if having people view it could cause psychological damage...

    But still, I'm certain all laws are clear when it comes to defamation, and those classmates can be taken action against, as the article says.

    Anyone know how well that petition went? Maybe if I hurry and make a "lightsaber show" and post it on the net I can make it in the last movie?
  3. VM1070

    VM1070 Let's Go Voltron Force

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Hey Baka,

    You wished it, I dished it:

    Here is the link for the many versions of this kids attempt to be a Jedi.....

  4. Lady Shadow-san

    Lady Shadow-san New Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    I'm unmoved by the whole situtation. I feel sorry for the kid, but still... always remember...


    Or... in other instances, people always have a camera nearby.
  5. Paper

    Paper New Member

    Jul 25, 2003
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    He could have just laughed it off and it would be just a whole big joke that everyone forgot about in a couple of months... but now that he's making a rather large deal of it, I wonder how much more 'traumatized' he's gonna get :rolleyes: But I can understand that he may be more sensitive than the people I know... either way, I see it as more of something he brought upon himself... Sorry for being so terribly cruel-hearted :sweat:

    Yes... remember big brother...
  6. Phalanx

    Phalanx Long Live M2A!

    Dec 15, 2002
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    If I were this kid, I would have done two things. First off, I would not have taken it so seriously. Nobody would recognise me in the real world whether or not I make a big deal about it, a lot of people forget about these things after awhile (hell, i'm not even going to remember about this tomarrow). Also, I would have taken the broomstick and given those guys a hell of a beating, then i'd thrown them in trash cans. Hehe, now thats justice for yah (or at least for me).
  7. Kamui

    Kamui X//1999... best anime eva

    Mar 30, 2003
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    Yeah... i would have been like... "Yeah I am the Star wars kid."(which im not)I would be honored to be that guy, to be sooo anoymusly famous like that...

    He isnt ashamed of it at all... he just wants money!!!
  8. blackmind

    blackmind New Member

    Mar 9, 2003
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    i feel little remorse for the kid after the law suit i would of just like others of already posted just laugh it off but i guess some people take things harder then others:rolleyes:
  9. BakaMattSu

    BakaMattSu ^__^
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    I've viewed the original and all the "re-mixes" now, and I must say that I side with the kid.

    He did such an act on tape for a school project, as I've come to understand. Nowhere in his mind did he intend to end up on thousands upon thousands of monitors.

    Can you imagine it going from something only an audience of your choice was supposed to see, to everywhere? As widespread as it is, I'm sure he went through a lot of unecessary ridicule almost daily going to school. I don't doubt him ending up with medical problems as a result. He has perfectly every right to go after compensation for his suffering and ridicule.


    My thoughts on some of the videos:

    Okay, so the original video started it all. I didn't really see the appeal. I looked at it, and said, "yeah, that's the dorky kind of stuff I did when I was younger." It was a drawn out, lengthy feature which almost put me to sleep, but should've been a one-time view at most.

    Enter the rehashes. Wow. A few of these are actually clever pieces.

    Remix - the most basic and probably cleanest addition. Lightsaber effects, and intro. Humorous intent, but I could see where the "last hope" and "we're screwed" could bite into the kid.

    SWK2.0 - if I had a favorite, it would be this. The lightsaber effects are built upon, by adding laser fire. Actually, of all the videos, I'd say this one is the best gag that isn't really a full-fledged insult to the kid - providing you know the famous Legend of the Drunken Master.

    Dork Clones - a low blow, and cheaper FX. Didn't like it.

    Terminator - very little visibly done. A waste. But it doesn't seem as insulting as some.

    The Matrix - again, not very creative. Don't see the point. But it doesn't seem as insulting as some.

    BraveKid - not too shabby. Starting to wish I were in some of these "features".

    BulkHulk - gave up on it. Very slow host or what?

    BennyHill - uh. It's just a sped up version. Someone explain the gag?

    SWK - VSE - the "original" dork clones. Didn't like it again.

    Mortal Kombat - so-so. Cheap-looking FX.

    Dancing Baby - I cracked a smile. I feel bad now. :p

    Fart Man - Clip removed with the message
    Kudos to that site owner for taking a stand! Then again, maybe he's just covering his own butt in case any backlash comes his way...

    The Space Ghost Kid - hosted on AdultSwim...hmm...
  10. DrunkLeprachaun

    DrunkLeprachaun Tetsu Oushi

    Dec 15, 2001
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    I agree that the site owner seems decent enough, if you read what he wrote about the kid, you can see he's on his side.
    I'm kind of neutral in this. I heard he had to drop out of school because he couldn't go anywhere without being laughed at. That **** could **** you up, especialy if you're an overweight, glasses wearing, dorky type person(I don't mean to be insulting here, only factual), and he's only 15. That's pretty young to be dealing with that kind of ****, and 15 year olds don't tend to be good at dealing with ****. I'm not, however, a fan of frivolous law suits, and unless he's seriously ****ed up(which he might well be), I don't think he's right in doing it.
    My favourite was 2.0, it was classy.
  11. k0gepan

    k0gepan New Member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Mostly all my feelings on the subject have been posted. I feel great sympathy for the kid. Something this large is bound to scar him. Hell, I went through things much smaller than this when I was a teenager, and there are probably still effects of it on my mentality. By proposing this case, he's just asking for tons more publicity, however. And with that publicity, more people will know the misfortune he had to go through. And no matter what, those videos are going to be on the net for a while longer, sadly. I don't think it's a good idea for him to be sueing. It's degrading enough, isn't it? Now we know he's got no sense of humor to boot. I suppose if I put myself in his place, I'd have none either of course. But I'm not some dorky fat kid who made a star wars video for school.

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