Creative Writing stories+real life

Discussion in 'Written Arts' started by Alien_Sacrifice, Dec 6, 2002.

  1. Alien_Sacrifice

    Alien_Sacrifice New Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    I thought it might be fun to make stories involving actual event in your life...and combine different peoples experiences to make a story? If you wanna play join in, but try not to use names at least not for you...keep it general.

    It can be happy, sad, funny, stupid, let's just see where we can go? I'll start w/ something that happened to me when I was young. It'd work best if you write it all in the same "tense". I'm writing like it just happened...If you can try and blend stories together?

    My Parents are going to work so I have to go to my Aunts so they can babysit me. They live in a trailer house and only about a block away from where I live. I go over to there house and they have a pool set up. I've never swam before so I'm a little afraid to get in with everyone. But after they kept telling me to get in and that I'd be alright, I do. I'm to short to touch the bottom of the pool so I'm hanging onto the side. I'm hanging there in the pool w/ my Aunt and bro and my cousins...and then my Uncle comes over and gets in. He tells me to get him another beer (he's been drinking) so I get out of the pool and go to the front door of my Aunts house and ask the lady inside (don't remember who...some relative) if I can come in to get a beer for my Uncle (I'm dripping wet). She said "No." So I went back to the pool and got in and my Uncle asked me where his beer was.
    I said, "She wouldn't let me in because I'm wet." So my Uncle comes over to me and pulls me off the side of the pool and holds me high in the air...I'm screaming, afraid he's going to throw me and my Aunt finally notices and frantically yells, "Put him down!" So after twirling me in the air for awhile he finally throws me down into the pool, where I luckily manage to grab the side of the pool because my Aunt was too busy trying to get my Uncle out of the pool to help me. I'm coughing trying to get the water out of my lungs and them get out of the pool. I then go dry off and avoid going back into the pool even though I'm told it's alright because my Uncles gone now.
  2. artemis836

    artemis836 Vampire Slayer

    Sep 1, 2002
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    True Story:

    Once I was at a summer camp. We had a huge rectangular air bag on the water we called the Blob. Guys would jump off the dock tower and land on the Blob sometimes bounching off into the water. If they stayed on they would move to the back so that other guys could jump on the front and launch them into the air. If you had alot of really good "Blobbers" in a row and five guys ended up on the Blob the Lifeguard had to clear off the Blob for safty reasons. The Lifeguard did this by calling a "Blob WAR" in which the five would beat eachother up and throw each other off. The last man standing was a Victor a Hero, somebody to name your kids after.

    Well one day there was a great Blob War. Four of the five were locked in mortal combat and all killed each other, it was fantastic. They fought like animals! The fifth guy just sat and watched. When they had all nocked each other off the fifth guy acted like he was some great hero!!! The coward! Well, the crowd on the docks turned against this worm and started to chant for Chiquita (Me, my nickname due to the shirt I wore when I Blobbed) to come to the front of the line and launch the kid cause I was always a big guy (vertically that is). Well I launched him alright. He shot into the air and smacked the Blob feet first with his legs locked. This caused him to fall off and smack his head on the water. The crowd cheered me. Then the kid surfaced and cried out, "I cant feel my legs"

    To Be Continued...

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